Pete's SCT – Done – now the recovery!!!

This topic contains 52 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  Vicki 11 years, 11 months ago.

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    Hi Ann and Pete

    Glad to hear that things are on the mend a bit, the eating will come soon enough! It just feels like there will never be any improvement but then it just happens! It's always slow but sure. You take it easy too Ann, it's easy to forget yourself…..I know! 🙂

    Vicki and Colin x



    Hi Ann and pete

    Well I wouldn't worry too much about the weight loss honest it comes back with a vengance lol, I went down to less than 70k and my normal wieght is 95 k so it was a big loss and trust me nip over and see my photo's on Face Book its well Back Lol.

    Love Tom Onwards and Upwards xxx



    Hi Ann and Pete

    Great to hear that things are menging a little. As Vikki says eating will return (I have been Re reading all SCT posts) and that seems to be the norm. Frank hasnt eaten for three days they threatened to bring him some vitamin drink and he told them he would eat a digestive biscuit today. He just feels sick and the dreaded tummy

    Hope Pete goes from strength to strength

    Take are Ann
    Love Jean xx



    wishing you well. Hope Pete recovers soon

    Maureen x



    Hi Anne and Pete,
    Sorry I havn't been in again, but I was struck down by flu last week with a high temperature, and I was trying to stay out of hospital myself!
    Had a few days in bed, couldn't move, but I'm a bit better now.
    Lena has been keeping me posted, and I am sorry that Pete has been struggling so much with his bad throat pain. I am sure it will start recovering very quickly now – now many days have you been in Ward 9 now?
    I certainly lost a lot of weight too, but it has all come back on now, and my hair is doing well still!
    You have done a great job of supporting Pete and it will be no time at all that he will be annoying you back at home 🙂
    That Melphalan is powerful stuff, and fingers crossed that it has done it's job and blasted that Myeloma into oblivion.
    Keep at it, and send my wishes to Pete for a quick return home. It can't be long now if he is out of isolation. I hope he has got a more fragrant neighbour this time! 😉
    Very best to you both, love Chris and Lena xx



    Hi all

    Well fingers crossed, Pete will be home tomorrow!! I have booked a week off to look after him, although he has said he will be fine! (Typical stubborn man!)

    I took him in some soup and he did manage that and has been drinking the vitamin drinks (although he said they taste like wall paper paste!!!

    I did say, don't run before you can walk. I have read enough posts to realise that this may only be the beginning!

    Well Tom, you are still top of the leader board – Pete has been in 23 days, if I remember you got home in 16?

    Don't really know what to expect, but eh, he is coming home and that is all that matters.

    Chris and Lena – Lovely to hear from you. Chris, so sorry you have been poorly, hope you get better soon. Oh I forgot to say, when you left the ward on your last visit, 2 of the nurses came into Pete's room and said "Who was your visitor"? we know him!!! Obviously you looked so well, they did'nt recognise you straight away!!!

    Jean – How is Frank doing?

    Thanks everyone else for your messages, has really been a help.

    Speak soon

    Love Ann



    Hi Ann

    It's a year ago that henry had his sct. He was in hospital for 4 weeks. He couldn't swallow so they fitted a tube through his nose and gave him liquid food for a week. He had morphine for the pain too. He lost a lot of weight too. BUT ! He went back to work 6 weeks later and full time 8 weeks later. He did suffer from a dreadful rash and a lot of chest infections. However a year on he is in remission and well and put on all the weight he lost and looks as good as new apart from the tiredness and foggy brain:) I had an operation on my hand last week so it's new territory for him being the carer!! So it's all worth it in the end and when I look back on the past 18months I don't know how I kept sane at times but we got through it and I'm much more equipped and ready if it dares to come back. Take care. I had counselling after the sct and it really helped me. Love sarah xxx



    Hi Sarah

    What an encouraging post! Thank you for that and so pleased that Henry is doing so well.

    Good luck with your hand as well!

    Take care





    Hi Anne & Pete
    I have been home five weeks this Fri
    Had SCT on 17th Jan the year & rapidly descended into that uncomfortable place for 10/12 days
    Soon got mouth ulcers & blistered lips , but escaped the worst by using saline mouth wash & drank loads of tea, I'm not a tea drinker just couldn't look at coffee, also went off solid food from day one. Specialist said I was a fairly rare ( old ) bird to
    escape morphine & feeding tube
    Lost all sense of taste & had a very dry mouth
    Once home I was still off solid food for 2/3 weeks , got going on spicy soup , little pots of custard & rice cream, also could taste strong cheese
    I could taste ginger beer which I still drink
    Really had to start again with my taste in food, used to be a see food & eat it guy ! Now back on curry which I can really taste !
    Then moved onto warm , juicy spicy chicken, ditto sausage , poached egg
    Wife got very creative to get me going
    Luckily all my bloodsp/ bone marrow were back to normal within two weeks of returning home
    Was very tired for first 2/3 weeks, now ok
    My advise would be to set little targets to achieve day by day & with grim determination get there come what may
    Success at all costs !
    All the best
    PS : crossed the finish line in 16 days !



    Hi Ann and pete

    Yes thrown out on day 16 I was 😀 but am sure someone on here has my days beat ??

    Hope your Home today Peter and let Ann have that week off you just might need it (I did) and when Elaine went back to work she left me a flask and Pack up for me to eat (if i could) till she got home (Bless her )

    Tom Onwards and Upwards xxx



    Hi Ann and Peter

    Well, is he home then. ? Hope you are both ok. This is where the true recovery begins, and Ann you finding out how tired you are too! I found that Colin began to eat slowly and surely, some ups and downs with the tummy troubles….even now! However the strength will start to retun if Pete is patient it's so exciting and boosting to see the improvements day by day….a glass of wine, a spicy curry, a hair cut….all little steps. So normal normally but not when you've been on the mm roller coaster.

    Me been rough this week, some kind of vertigo, never had it before, horrible…keep us posted 🙂

    Vicki and Colin x



    Take it was… but take it all the same, at a much reduced rate and avoiding all but the closest of family for the first 6 to 8 weeks or so until your bloods get to normal or better.:-)

    Take this time just to look at each other, chill out and get addicted to daytime TV… so when fitness allows you can rummage around the car-boot sales as budding antiques experts while valuating the houses in the countryside on your journeys to and fro. 😀

    Enjoy every minute of your time together. 😎




    Hi all

    Well Day 3 at home with Pete and things ok! Will never get cocky or conceited however, because I do realise these are very early days.

    Pete has no taste buds, but is managing to get some food down him albeit small portions plus his vitamin drinks. He even had a lovely cold lager last night!!!

    We went for a short drive yesterday afternoon as it was such a sunny day. Other than that just relaxing, and yes Dai, getting hooked on day time TV!! Well I am!!!!!!!

    Yes Tom, good idea, I will leave Pete a lunch box when I go back to work next week, just some encouragement for him to eat.

    Chris and Lena – How are you Chris, hopefully got over your bad dose of flu!!!!

    Vicki and Colin, glad to hear Colin still progressing, but how are you? Are you still feeling rough? It is probably a knock on effect from all the worrying and caring you have done for Colin. Finally taken its toll on you!

    Jean, not seen a post from you in the last few days, how is Frank?

    Peter, yes thanks, I think you are so right, it really is one day at at time!

    Well thanks again everyone for all your kind and informative posts.

    Speak soon

    Ann and Pete



    Hi Ann and pete

    Yes early days but its gonna be Ok 😀
    Do you know when i was off I dint like the telly on nor radio I used to sit and read or go on Commie in between sleeping lol.
    You should try and borrow a "Shooting Stick" for Pete I was given one and i carried it when out and when my back was bad or I felt tired ext I popped it open and used the little seat to rest Worked wonders for me and the dog walks 😀

    Keep the pack up good and light

    Take care and soon be better 😎 I was about two weeks before I felt Better and that was 100% to what I was I could tell when I woke up in the morning that I was Better 😎

    Stay Well

    Love Tom Onwards and Upwards xx




    So pleased to hear you are home Pete…..and a glass of lager! Well done you. You have done well, just relax and take time to get better slowly. It will soon come and you will be out on that golf course! At least you managed to stay at home….we were back in the same day first time round 😉 I've been rough all week, just starting to get a bit better. Not good though….I am sure part of its the stress of trying to be normal ha ha!

    Biker chris…..hope you are feeling better :-). Just likes to keep us on our toes doesn't take care,

    All the best

    Vicki and Colin xx

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