Que Sera… Week-end Lurgy Strikes Again…

This topic contains 13 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  mhnevill 13 years, 4 months ago.

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    Woke up from a doze at 3:30pm with a shiver and a shake. Took my temp 39.01 – 4:10pm 39.6 – 4.25pm 38.01. Janet brought me a lem-sip between the last two but I wanted to check first.

    I rang the hospital and spoke to a nurse and repeated for the doctor. The nurse seemed to think that my dual jabs (flu & pneumonia) received yesterday afternoon (4:30pm) could be responsible but the doctor skipped over that. The doctor wants me to have a chest x-ray to discount pneumonia. She asked me to try my temp again and to ring back… it was 38.25. So, she has told me that everything in the Day-Case will be closed at 5pm… she said to take the lem-sip and wait until 8pm when I take my evening meds (including my Amoxicylin anti-biotic). If my temperature is still over 38 I should ring the Doctor-On-Call.

    She is going to inform the Doc-On-Call of my situation and he/she may ring me back before then.

    So the dreaded lurgy has struck again… at home time on a Friday when everything is closing down… this is the fifth time that this has occurred on a Friday/Week-End day… only once during the week.

    Que sera… if you don't hear from me after 8pm then you know where I will be heading. Janet's as bad as me (but no temp) so I'll be driving.





    🙁 So sorry to hear you are suffering with the dreaded "Weekend Lurgy" Dai! 🙁 ~ isn't it just amazing that it always seems to happen on a Friday afternoon when you either feel you don't want to disturb the medical fraternity or simply cannot get a reply from them!! At least you have a Doc who errs on the cautious side and has made everyone aware of your situation. A night in hospital would at least put your minds at rest that there is nothing more serious going on – shame they don't provide double en-suite rooms so Janet could join you!!!
    Keeping everything crossed that it is just a glitch caused by the jabs and hope you will both be feeling better very soon 🙂
    Love Nettie xx



    Hi Dai
    It all ways seem to start at the weekend,horrible,feel you cannot trouble people,and know you are going to end up in A&E fighting your corner,Slim had bloods taken as par usual,but from getting up knows he is not himself,hospital says he is ok,but cancelled any plans for weekend.doubling fluid intake,ankles BIG,and just not himself.cannot complain has had no great problems with Velcade ,so lets hope it,s a small blip and yours too Dai.love Eve



    Hi Dai
    Why is it that trouble always strikes at the weekend when you need the help of all those people who work Mon_Friday 9_5.
    Much as you know you can ring that emergency number how long does it take to make a decision that it ReallyIs an emergency?
    From experience its when you just know something is not right. Delay to act and rue the day. Because it just means a little longer as an in patient.
    I hope you get sorted and in the meanwhile someone gave me a packet of echinaca cold pills.
    A vitamin that boosts the immune system and makes short work of colds and I can recommend them as being very usefulll particularly as its flu time of year again.



    Oh Dai sorry to hear S—s Law has struck again and you are feeling rotten too! I hate it if I have to go to hospital on a FAriday because the chances are very little will be done over the weekend and I end up stuck on a ward when I know home would be a much better place to get well Trouble is there are times when I have been proved wrong and developed pneumonia! I hope the scan rules pneumonia out and you get home very quickly Poor Janet must feel lousy too I hope she feels better soon as well love to you both Bridget x



    I think you are correct their Bridget, nothing is going to get done until the normal Mon- Fri staff are back. You are really put into a holding situation with the On-Duty Doctor, who could be a Gynaecologist -Mon to Fri – keeping an eye on you? But, and it is a big but I suppose they do have access to a Haematologist consultant IF NEEDED.

    Note ? I do not have a down on Gynaecologists it was just the furthest from Haematologist I could think of 😀 😀

    Best of luck Dai
    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Hi Dai, so sorry you have this dreaded lurgy its not good especially if everywhere is closed. lets hope your temp goes down and you can stay at home and relax.
    Mum has an infection in her lung and she is on 2 lots of antibiotics for it. she also has a temp as you say it always happens on a weekend. See how mum is over the weekend and if no better we will be making the trip that mum hates. ( what makes me laugh is mum will have to sit in a and e with all them lovely people with bugs( not good if your immune system is low).

    Hope you get sorted and you can just spend your weekend in your cosy bed.
    You take care
    Gina xx



    Hello Dia

    so sorry you are not well why is it that the hospitals do not expect you to get ill over the weekend they must know as well as any body you get sick at any time of the week day or night We were supposed to go to the London info day but Geoff has a really bad stomach bug I didnt want to leave him as he is quite poorly:-(
    Love Jo



    Hi Dai,
    Sorry that you are ill…you are right about the weekend thing…I felt awful on Thursday and Friday, and probably should have been sensible and not gone to the London Infoday today. Especially since my son was sick this morning!! Typical!
    …..I did go though and had a headache throughout the whole day which I've finally knocked on the head with a couple of paracetamol.
    Anyway, enough about me….hope you didn't get admitted – you've gone quiet so I'm thinking you might have been 🙁
    Hope Janet is ok too!!
    Debs x



    Thank you all you lovely people for your messages of support,

    I got home this afternoon with 2 lots of anti-biotics… 1 for my chest infection and 1 for anything else that might be lurking. 😀

    I was admitted at 6:30pm last nigh with a temperature of 38.8 and feeling rather grotty all round. They gave me a new super-duper anti-biotic (the nurse's description) and by the time they got me into x-ray at 11pm I was down to 36.8.

    I still feel a bit grotty with a wheezy chest but my temperature has stayed down and I have enough meds to help me mend… the sooner the better in my view. Don't get me wrong, I am in a good place at the moment MM wise but since the good news on the 3rd of October I have had a cold that turned into a chest infection which culminated in lat nights B&B.

    I know they are not live cultures but I remain suspicious that my double dose of flu and pneumonia jabs on Thursday evening was followed by the high temperature the next day,

    Still, I am home and both Janet and I feel better than we have for a couple of weeks so I fully expect us both to get well soon.

    Thanks again. 🙂




    Dear Dai

    I am so pleased that you feel better. I reacted a bit to the flu jab (the same as last year) slightly swolen arm and sniffles Whereas Stephen had no reaction at all.

    Stay Well

    Gill xx



    Glad that you are home Dai look after yourself and take care. Hope Janet is ok xx



    Hello Dai
    I am pleased to hear you are back home – when you went 'quiet' on the forum I thought that you had gone to the B&B! You are the fourth person I know of who has had a bad reaction to the jabs in the past week so maybe there really is something in it this year that is causing a problem – the only time I reacted badly to it was when the actual jab hurt and everyone who has had a bad reaction has also said the jab really hurt:'-( – very odd! Anyway, I hope you and Janet are both feeling much better now.:-)
    Love Nettie xx



    Hello Dai

    I had missed your post because BT cut off my Broadband!!! So sorry that you have had this bad infection. Do take care. Really want to hear that you are in a good place and feeling like your old (young!) self.

    I'm off for my flu jab tomorrow so hope I fare better.

    All best wishes.


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