Question about blood test results

This topic contains 18 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  ange 12 years, 1 month ago.

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    I am due to see my consultant on friday (plus get another carrier bag of pills for Cycle 4)

    Up till now I have only been bothered about my PP levels. I was wondering what other results in my blood test are also worth keeping an eye on? I always ask if I'm anemic and get told know, but I'd like to keep a record of other useful indicators.

    Any help much appreciated 🙂

    Sarah Jane



    I'm sure there are some highly informed people on here who understand what all those letters are on our blood tests. Would be great if someone could put together an explanatory document or posting.



    Hi Sarah-Jane,
    Have you got a copy of the MyelomaUK booklet about MM? There is an appendix at the back that gives the normal ranges for all the tests that are routinely done and it explains something about their significance.



    Hi Sarah Jane

    Have you asked for the MM diary. I think it was Ellen (the MM nurse). I find it very very good. It is divided into sections – questions to ask dr Medical terms and a section where you can record all the bloods like Pp neutrophil, white blood count, haemaglobin, kappa light chains etc. I ifnd it very helpful as I can keep a close eye on all Franks bloods. It also tell you what the normal ranges are If you are Interested, either phone Ellen or email her.

    Best wishs
    Jean x



    Hi Sarah Jane
    Ask your consultant for a copy of your last blood test
    Mine show my result & alongside what the normal range/ s should be
    All the best



    Chris, Brilliant, have it somewhere, or will download it,

    Jean, no I don't have it but will call them tomorrow, always useful

    Peter, I always see it on her computer screen, with numbers in red (guess these are the numbers misbehaving!), will see if she'll print it out for me 🙂

    Thank you



    Sarah Jane,

    Agree with the others and I've learnt something too. Had no idea about the diary. Good luck with your continued treatment

    Vicki and Colin x



    Hi Sarah Jane

    Good luck with trying to get your blood results. I try to use the Diary, but I seem to have considerable difficulty getting mine. Not helped by the fact that results of PP levels seem to take a fortnight so are never available at Consultations. Am often promised a letter or phone call, but they don't come!

    Other results to watch are Hb. Mine are only now back up to normal after CDT.

    All best wishes.




    Thanks Mavis. I always get pp a month later at next appointment, bit of a pain, tomorrow I finish Cycle 3, but get pp results for Cycle 2 at appointment.

    Will see if consultant is happy to give me a printout 🙂



    Hi Sarah Jane

    Hope you got your print out and results were good!

    Keep going

    Vicki and Colin x



    Hi Sarah Jane, The ones I monitor for my own piece of mind are:

    WBC – White Blood Count Mine 7.9 range for a male 4.2 – 10.8
    HB – Haemoglobin Mine 13.1 range for a male 13.5 – 17.5
    Plts – Platelets Mine 300 range for a male 150 – 400
    N – Neutrophils forgot to get this one

    PP – Paraprotiens wished for ZERO mine 6.7 (up 3.2 in 3 months)

    This will give you some idea

    kindest regards – vasbyte


    p.s I should add that it is the measurement of these indicators over a period that give the real picture not one off happy snaps.



    Hi Sarah Jane,now you don't want figures like mine but here they are for what it's worth.


    Of course I'm way down the road, 2 SCT's, and 3 relapses inside 12 months but I'm still battling on.
    Once your first SCT fails that's when the fun really starts and if you do manage to get a second It's very unlikely to last as long as your first because your bone marrow will be well and truly suppressed and won't recover as well as the first time.

    Stay in there fighting.




    I would include calcium(kidney function) in that and creatinine(kidney function) ,beta 2 microglobulin (if increasing may be first sign things are on turn) ,and free light chains( pp have a long half life so the test ist as up to date the current whats happening free lights show what happening maybe ages before pp rise and some become non secretors)

    Mavis i get new forms at end of appointment and have bloods done 2 weeks pre next one they are always ready when i have the appointment,pp test should be ready in 7 days then time for Haemo to get results.

    Keith I'm so wishing your marrow boosts soon

    best wishes



    What is the MM diary and how do we get one 🙂

    many thanks




    Tom I got from MMUK I think it was Ellen that I emailed. It got very tattered so I got another one. I find it very useful it has 10 different section, some examples are key myeloma terms, appointments, questions to ask your doctor and for me blood tests results. It gives you what the normal readings on and has a section where you record your results. It is excellent as I can see at a glance what way the bloods are going

    Ask Ellen if it wasn't her (but I think it was) she will send you one

    Best wishes

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