This topic contains 33 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by  DaiCro 13 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #91979


    Dear eve & slim, what great news go get on that cruise!

    You deserve it love liz & kev xx



    One word Eve


    Enjoy the good times that are ahead of you, I hope Slim starts feeling better soon,

    Much love

    Mari xxx



    Hi Eve & Slim
    Great to hear the good news and a positive 2012.



    Hi eve, I'm still very new to this site but have read through lots of post, it's lovely to see your happy news, looks like 2012 is your year. Hope you find a nice cruise for you and slim and enjoy some quality time together.




    Great news, congrats!



    Am also new to the site, but I understand the battle. It took 15 months to get to SCT, but get there I did in July. Like Bridget I would say that the side effects take some getting over, but after about 14 weeks I began to feel human again, and now feel physicallybetter than I have done for ages. Planning return to work next month – but don't plan to work too hard! It is so worth it. Someone asked me if I would go through it again, and altho I wouldn't relish the thought , I would do it! Hope it all works out for you both and carry on battling!
    Heather x



    Thank you everyone for your good wishers and advice on SCT.

    Still waiting on letter from Kings.!!!

    Slim stopped Chemo a week before Christmas and has not been well since,it started on Christmas day,and has gradually got worst,on his last blood test on the 28th his kidney level functions were just starting to rise,so more blood test this week,feeling lethargic and not wanting to eat,I put it down to coming off Chemo and Dex.

    Its been so long now since Slim had good health, we do wonder if normality, is ever going to come back, plus that Chemo brain that Tom tells us about, I do think SCT,cannot be as bad as he was last Easter,22 days in hospital then many month of getting him back to any reasonable condition, he has no memory at at all about that period,but still wondering if we want to go back and be in a similar position.

    Its nice ,not having the trip to the hospital having to go twice in one day ,and doing it two days a week,saving a bomb on petrol,but hospital appointments are still coming in.

    Dai how is your sleeping patten now ,has it improved coming off Velcade???
    as you can see from me being on here at 3am ,Slims has not!!! I think I expected some more normality in are lives!!!!!

    Heather you do not say how old you are??. I take it you went through,CTD and Velcade,did you have any extra complications???
    The people who sail through there treatment,tend to leave this site,understandable so !! I know everyone is different but it does help to give you some in sight to what the future holds,before it was a matter of taking it day by day,but now Slim is in remission or plateaued ,it is looking to the future.Love Eve



    Hi Eve and Slim

    Well as you know I am in remission and only have Zometa every four weeks, but thats not to say I am back to my normal self (even if i knew what normal is/was)

    Had SCT in Dec 09 Back to work May 2010 and still working (well clocking on lol)

    I had to get some sleepy Tabs to help me to have a half decent nights sleep and even today I will wake up at silly hours of the night/morning, so am not sure what is Now Normal for an MM sufferer :-/ Me I still go on Holiday still go to the pub but its not as often as it used to be (bet my liver is pleased).

    All the best and ask Slim if he feels the need to try and have a sleepy Tab every now and then cos sleeping is a great healer 😎


    Tom xxxx



    Fantastic news. Remission is a wonderful word to hear. As for SCT I believe that everyone is very different. Stephen sailed through his first SCT and felt quite guilty as others felt awful, But he was one of the unlucky ones and got very little remission from it
    Fingers crossed and the best of luck



    Well done, the pair of you

    Enjoy cruising we used to, it's so relaxing.

    Hope you have a good time together for a very long time.

    Love Roz xx



    This is my first post on this great website. I was diagnosed may 2008 after bout of pneonomia but fortunately before any bone damage. After rise in my paraprotein I Started chemotherapy in jan 2010 and had back problems which was cured by radiotherapy. Had further chemotherapy in late 2010 prior to SCT in s Cambridge in JAnuary 2011. The best thing I have ever done as feel so much better. I was in hospital for 3 weeks and felt pretty rough but it was really worth it. Returned to work end of March and had a great cruise to Panama canal in APril 2011.
    My message to you is go for the SCT – you will feel very poorly for a couple of weeks in hospital but you will get over it and feel better and you hair will come back in a few months.
    Had my 3 monthly check this week and still no trace of paraprotein 12 months after my SCT.
    Best wishes.



    Hi Chris

    Thank you so much for posting,it does give us some in sight,knowing we have to make this big decision ,it is early days for us concerning SCT,just trying to get any information concerning SCT,its almost like having to take a couple of steps backward to advance, with not knowing if it will be worth the effort
    (if that makes sense)!!!!

    I think its because,its been so long with no progress,this is are first big brake,remission,and it has not been easy getting there.

    Thank you Tom and Roz for your good wishers,Tom I am taking your advice Onward and Upward,and Roz you are often in my thoughts,i see that little glimmer of life coming back.Love Eve



    Hi Eve and Slim
    sorry slim is not feeling so well I hope it is just a blip after coming off meds I felt a lot of withdrawal symptoms when I came off CDT I think the drugs have to work there way out of the system I havn't slept as well since not having Thalidomide. I am still lucky enough to be in Plateau I don't know how long for so fingers crossed the kidneys have now settled down after the food poisoning which nearly finished me off next PEP test march so I have time off at the moment for good behavour AS I have 5% MM cells in my marrow they say good partial remission nothing more but thats better than nothing
    Love to you both Jo



    Hi Eve and Slim

    I know all about the one forward and two back 🙁 but hey take it from me its worth it 😀

    And I am sure you will both be very welcome into the "Onwards and upwards" Gang as we have an Open House 😎

    After My SCT I was not too well and thought it would never get better as it Seemed ages before I felt half normal, as I got stronger and fitter i would count the days then the weeks and when it got to Months of staying well I stopped counting and that was well worth the wait 😎

    Love and hugs to you all and stay "Onwards and Upwards" xxx



    Hi Eve and Slim…well done on getting to remission enjoy the cruise and hope 2012 is better for you both…stay safe…Phil

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