This topic contains 119 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by tom 12 years, 3 months ago.
[b]The Championship moves towards its Final Round![/b] The waiting is finally over, and I have been given a date for my SCT, [b]22 October [/b]is in 2 weeks time, and I am booked into Ward 9 at Musgrove to have the Transplant.
I am having a mixture of feelings from excitement, relief, panic and sheer terror! At the end of the day I am keen to get stuck in, and know that Ward 9 is a pretty nice place to be (except for the food – but I can set up a hot-line to the local chippy if I need to!).:-P
I have been feeling really well recently, apart from a bit of back and shoulder pain, and Lena and I have had a couple of nights away, and have enjoyed some great meals out which has helped me put a bit of weight back on.
I have been panicking a lot about getting things done before I go into hospital, but the grest news is that I have found a buyer for my business which will be a huge weight off my shoulders, and we can enjoy a bit more free time in the future.
For some reason I have had a lot of sleepless nights – I nod off to sleep in the evenings, and then find that I am up half the night doing things unable to sleep, it's really annoying, but I am quite happy, and see more of my teenage son who is also wandering around at 3am! It may be the Oxycontin that I take, so I have some sleeping tablets now in case I get really tired.
My hair has started to grow back after the Chemo in July, and I have quite a luxuriant moustache again, but quite soft! It will all be zapped off again when I have the Mephalan, but it is nice to know it should grow back eventually!
In the meantime all I can do is wait for the 22nd and sort out some good books and films to take into hospital – the new JK Rowling maybe? Any suggestions welcomed!
Good luck to all in The Club, and especially Vicki and Colin who are going for a mega SC Harvest this week,
Hey Chris
Thats Good news 😀 it wont feel it for a bit but its well worth the odd bits that happen during your recovery, lets hope its as good as I can remember Mine being pretty good.
As for the Panic to get everything done before you go in trust me it will wait till you get out and better.
Fingers crossed for a fast recovery and home soon (i was in 16 days see if you can beat that)
Tom "Onwards and upwards"
Hi chris,
So pleased for you if that's the right word! Yes I can understand the range of emotions that you talk about! Your date is the same as colins, if the mega harvest you refer to works! We too panicked at colins first date and rushed about like mad things….we needn't have done that 🙂
Chris if you are still tuned in, Colin has felt really rough on this last lot of gcsf….felt sick, dizzy, very tired and he has had a small amount of pain in his spine/back, a bit at the top of his legs and knees, and in his hands/joints. Did you have that too?. Me being me just looking for some common signs that these damn injections are working. Plerixafor at 10pm. Just trying on the one hand to prepare for disappointment but on the other hand hoping against hope it'll work. Chris do I remember rightly that you had a score of 13 on first day….what did you have the next day, do you remember? And did they tell you have many cells you collected and whether they were going to give them all back or save some for the future just in case, not that you'll need them 🙂
Sorry to hog your thread but you've only recently been through this and we are off to Bristol tomorrow (wednesday). For you I guess it will be planning what to take, iPad, iPod, minim DVD player?, plenty of books and oh yes the wet wipes and plenty of jim jams 🙁
Hope all goes well for you, keep us posted if you can x
Vicki and Colin x
Hi Tom, you're on! I will try to beat 16 days if I can!
HI Guys, yes still here! One eye on eBay and one on Flog It, and my third on this laptop! Yes, I had a score of 13 on day 1, and about 21 on day 2, but they didn't wait for the scores, just plugged me straight in both days. On both days they collected just over 2 million which is the target for one transplant, as they like to keep enough for 2 goes in the future. I hope that helps you both for tomorrow (oh, the nurses love chocs to munch during the day!)
Oh, just spotted your other question, it takes the lab about an hour or so to get the result of how many, and you can either hang around or they will ring you. With me, I went back to the hospital in Taunton on day 1 so they told me there. There are 2 machines, the newer ones are faster and I had that on the second day and we were done by 2.00pm, but they like the old machine as they have had more experience with it. Chris
Hi Chris!
I've not logged on for a while so only just noticed you are due to start your procedure tomorrow!
Wishing you an uneventful stay with all going to plan.
Thank Eliz, Yes, I am girding my loins ready for the morning, and have had a lovely weekend enjoying the sun, gardening and organizing everyone to do things when I have 'gone' so to speak! Oh, and having a final thrash on the bike!
Have spent today weeing into a large container for one of my tests,:-| and now prepared to have every bodily function examined in detail for the next few weeks – sigh.:-S
Once ensconced I will let you all know how things are going, now, where is that toothbrush………..?
Hi Chris
Just want to wish you all the luck in the world for tomorrow, will be thinking of you. You will need the rest after the rest after the weekend you've had!! Good luck and the best of wishes
Love Jean x
Thanks for all your good luck messages!
Well I am now settled in to a nice room in Musgrove Hospital with a view from the window into a nice little garden area, it's a double room but no neighbour yet!
This afternoon I had a central line fitted into my neck, near the jugular (luckily the knife didn't slip!) so it is easier to give me the chemo etc, and I have started on various anti infection tablets. the central line was done under a local anesthetic (wow, i spelt it right) and is a bit sore, but getting better gradually. Sounds worse than it is, but I havn't tried sleeping yet! I have brought my own pillows as a bit of home comfort.
I have wi-fi, and feel fine, so now have to wait for the next episode tomorrow. Lena was able to keep me company today which was nice – so far so good.
Keep smiling everyone. I'm looking forward to Dallas on Wednesday to see what happens when John Ross gets arrested after his ex-lovers grisly plunge from the tower-block, you have to feel a bit sorry for him 😀 .
Wishing you all the best Chris and hope things go well for you my husband who is a biker as well had his 2nd stem cell transplant 2 weeks ago tomorrow and is starting to come through the other end now. Thankfully !!
Hey chris,
Tuning in to see how it's going. Did you have chemo today?. Hope all is going well and that the accommodation and food is up to spec! Dallas….. John Ross, he was a nipper last time I saw Dallas! Keep you chin up and go for it 🙂
Colin has had his line in for ages after all our false starts! He did get used to it, and has found it a godsend as his veins have taken such battering they have a job to get blood out that way.
Good luck and hope you have a smooth run 🙂
Vicki and Colin
Hi Chris
Good Luck My Friend and hope its a smooth one.
Keep well and healthy
Tom "Onwards and Upwards"
Sounds good, what bike does he ride? Wish him well with the recovery! Chris
Cheers Tom, so far so good, I'm feeling well!
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