This topic contains 38 replies, has 29 voices, and was last updated by  Vicki 10 years, 2 months ago.

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    Dear Eve, having been away thought I’d pop in and see how everyone’s doing?
    And was saddened to read of slims passing, me and kev send you our heartfelt condolences
    And hope yesterday (the 9th) was everything you wanted it to be a celebration of slims life.

    Thinking of you eve love liz & kev xx



    I hope Slim’s funeral went really well, and was a real celebration of his life. Gil xx



    Hi eve,

    I hope Tuesday went as you planned, I am sure you gave Slim a good send off and now, as you say, you have a new journey to make alone. However, that doesn’t mean to say that you will be without us all on this site. Theoretically, you have no reason to be here but you have become a Myeloma Oracle and your knowledge can help so many. I would also guess that there are many of us here who would like to know how you are getting on. Who knows, in our own way we could help you in the future.

    Please stay in touch.




    Dear Eve I am so sorry Slim has passed away, and I hope everything went well for you on Tuesday.
    I remember you when Michael was in his final days and the comfort you gave me with your kind words.
    Love and Hugs



    Hallo Eve, I’ve just picked up your sad news,I’m so sorry to hear of Slim’s passing. All I can say,from my own experience, is the well worn phase ” time is a healer” is true to an extent. Eve, one day the birds will sing again. Jeff



    Hello Eve, i am so sorry to hear your sad news as you can see i have’nt been on hear for a while but i still think of everybody and wonder how people are getting, i send you love and hope that you are coping with your loss, it has certainly taken me a while to feel as i used to before losing our dear mum,you are such a great lady on here and your fight beside Slim was amazing and your knowledge about this illness is second to none, but now you need to care for you and it will take time to recover from everything that you have been through, love to you San XXX



    Hello eve,

    Vicki here. This is a completely late post. I just haven’t been on here. This crap disease shouldn’t be allowed. I’m so sorry to hear about slim. I have read all of the posts on the thread and everyone has said it all. Gritty is an understatement. Best wishes to you




    Hi Vicki

    Nice to hear from you, I think you are doing the best thing not coming on here to much when you are in remission ,best to lock the Myeloma away in a cupboard mentally ,and enjoy life as much as you can,because we all know it finds you in the end,so enjoy today.

    I have good and bad days,try to keep myself busy and out of the house,after not really leaving it in the last few months,I have been taking advantage of this lovely weather,and it’s so nice to Live by the sea in Deal.
    My daughter Ruth has just moved back down,so have two daughters near by,so that all helps!!!

    I have to look on the good side Slim had a nice life and enjoyed himself,just would have like longer,and yes you are right it is a crappy cancer,but never give up hope,new treatments are coming along all the time,so let’s just hope a break through comes soon.
    I was reading about the American lady who has Myeloma and they experimented with the measles vaccine worked for her but not others who had it the same time,new avenues and new paths opening all the time,keep your chin up,don’t let the Myeloma deprive you and hubby of living and enjoying what you have. Love to you both.



    Hi eve,

    As always positive and practical. You are right you can go round in circles with this. I still believe if I look long enough I might find that cure! It must be tough right now as slim and mm were the focus. Loss of your loved one is one aspect…..doing and caring is the other. What to do now eh? Glad to hear you have family close by, it’s funny eve but you always have an image of what people might be like….based on the extracts on hereI imagine slim was like a naval commando….a tough cookie knocking this all back right to the end. Memories will be good x take care vicki

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