Snow from my office

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  tom 14 years, 2 months ago.

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    For those of you who have not yet had any snow, just a glimps of what I see from my office in 'sunny Gateshead'after battling through the snow to get to work this morning. From cold North Tyneside.
    All night and early this morning we had what the local weather woman called
    SNOW THUNDER this was a bit scarry as it was really long rumbling followed by lighting, while snowing, late at night I thought it was a plane crashing!

    Got to say we have had this since Thursday and Im getting a bit sick of it now.



    Hello Min – seems like the main roads are clear where you are but I bet the side roads are awful. Where do you live Min?

    Yes, the beauty of it soon wears off and I too would be sharing your fed- upness with it all. We southerners are supposed to be complete wimps when it comes to snow – well I must admit to being one of them. Good luck!
    Love, Gaye x



    Excellent photos Min. You should consider making a Christmas Card from them. T'would make it really personal.
    Thanks for sharing,



    It must be awful to have to battle through it and put up with the cold but it certainly looks gorgeous




    Hi Min it really does look lovely but I would be fed up as well !!Like Gaye I am definitely a southern softie Heres hoping it wont last too much longer love Bridget x



    Aww Min what a view 😀

    I would get nowt done I would just sit and look out the window Ha ha

    Here is one of Charlie and I, after a walk tonight, No probs re his paws as I put him in warm water to get the snow off he he.

    Tom an Charlie xxx

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