Stem Cell Collection – Second Attempt!

This topic contains 29 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  Ali 12 years, 5 months ago.

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    Hi Chris
    This is great news for you both. Hope the rest of the journey goes smoothly, do you get a date soon?
    Love Helen



    Hi Chris

    Great news! Well done that man. That will give Vicki and Colin lots of encouragement.

    You will have missed Dallas though, episode 2 8/10:-)

    Please let us know when you get the date through for the big event.

    Love Ali xx



    Now thats the way to "Rock" Well done Chris and your Team 😎 and am sure your Story will be a great help for those struggling to Drag the Iccle Stems Out (Colin)

    SDo Once again My Friend a very well done and Good Luck for the next round 😎

    From one "Onwards and Upwards to another "Onwards and Upwards" 😎
    Tom x




    That is so so wonderful! That's absolutely great for you. We were getting worried as we hadn't heard. What a brilliant result and it also gives us some real encouragement too as Colin has got the funding agreed for plerixafor too! So so pleased for you. I think the wind will be blowing through colins scalp as that number one cut is getting shorter by the minute!

    Take care and go for it 🙂

    Vicki and Colin x



    😉 😎 😀 🙂
    With knobs on.




    Cheers Dai!



    HI Vikki and Colin, I was sorry to hear about Colin's struggles, but so pleased that your funding has come through, I am sure it will make all the difference because mine seemed to have no problems, so good luck and go for it! I was a bit delayed posting the results as I even managed to go out for my kids birthday meal at an Indian that evening, and have been fine since apart from a slightly dodgy tummy (which may have been the curry! :-/ ).
    have you got a date yet for the harvest? I am now waiting for a date to go back into Ward 9, but the Doctors said they wouldn't waste any time so a couple of weeks so watch this space…….
    At least no hair saves time in the mornings 🙂



    HI Ali,
    Didn't miss Dallas, I SkyPlus'd it and watched last night, definitely an 8/10, but whatever happened to Pam Ewing? – I was trying to work out if they had just put in a new actress, but she is Annie, so I have missed out somewhere, and Cliff Barnes is back next week, so the insults will just get better! We need a new discussion Forum for this! 😀
    No date yet, so a breather to recover and drink beer.
    Cheers, Chris



    I've just read your good news Chris. I'm so pleased for you.
    Make the most of the breathing space before you get those precious little stemcells back!!




    Hi Chris

    I too have been pondering what happened to Pam so I looked it up on wikepedia and found this [b][i]Season 10 saw Pam leave Bobby after she was involved in a car crash which resulted in her suffering severe burns. She disappeared from the hospital and Bobby never saw her again[/i] [/b],cant wait for Ken Barnes' return too ( how very sad are we?):-)

    Yes, rest and regroup for the next part of your journey.

    Love Ali xx



    Hi Chris

    Great news on your harvest!! Fingers crossed for everything going smoothly for the next stage.

    Take care

    Joanne x



    Hi chris,

    I thought Pam Ewing died in a car crash? Haven't seen this new series!

    Chris it has been a blow when Colin failed twice but at least we have a hope now. So pleased for you and that you managed to get out for a meal in the evening. We've got not dates for the next go yet, but look forward to watching your progress with interest. 😉

    Best of luck

    Vicki and Colin x



    Hi Ali, great detective work and well done! I had a feeling there was a car crash, but why would she disappear? Perhaps someone will kidnap me from Musgrove? :-/
    We are off to the coast to relax for a day or two now and recharge the batteries, must remember the Sky+ though!
    Thanks for making me chuckle, and I will keep everyone posted when I get my date,



    Thanks Vicki, and well remembered! You must join the Dallas fan club, it's brilliant even if the Bobby storyline is a bit close to home, but it will be interesting to see if his hair falls out – bet it won't!:-D No date for me yet, but I will keep you up to date, thanks for the support and good luck to you both,



    Hi Chris

    Enjoy the coast, hope the weather stays dry and sunny for you.

    Maybe Pam left as she couldnt bare for Bobby to see her like that, but wasnt Ken her brother? there maybe some mention in the next episode! Lets hope.

    Love Ali xx

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