Stephen John Mason

This topic contains 22 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by  janw 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #108368


    Dear Mari
    So so sorry to hear your news. We are thinking of you, no-one can take your happy memories away, just think of them.
    Stay strong
    Love Paul & Gayle x



    Dear Mari,

    I wish I could be with you to just

    My husband Patrick died two yrs and three months ago at the age of 58 – I really feel your pain and your last line, much like Gill, is the way I would describe Patrick the love of my life. How do you go on with your life?It will surely be a while until you remember the good times, but very gradually it will happen – trust me.

    I hope Stephen's funeral brings a smile to your face as well as the tears which are bound to come. We will all be here to support you when you are ready.

    Tina XX



    Dear Mari,
    Please know you are in my thoughts and how sorry I am to heat of your loss.
    Stephen is no longer suffering and you can be thank full that he passed away pain free..
    The coming weeks and months will be yet another steep learning curve.
    I do hope you have family to help you through this time.
    The maze of paperwork is the most difficult, and having someone to help you will be a big weight off your shoulders.
    Remember the happy times which cannot be taken away, though they may feel a long distance away.
    They are a comfort when you get over the shock.
    Min x



    there are few word's that would help at these sad time's,our love and thought's are with you,j&j



    Dear Mari

    I was so sad to read your post. My heart goes out to you and your last line had me in tears as I feel the same way a out my husband Henry.

    Take care

    Love sarah xx



    So sorry Mari, such a difficult time, sending love to you San x



    Dear Mari

    I am very sorry to hear of the passing of Stephen this is such a dreadful least he is no longer in pain, the thought that Gordon is no longer in pain help so much during those first few difficult weeks.

    My thoughts are and best wishes are with you.

    Best wishes




    Dear Mari

    I've followed your posts about Stephen's myeloma because he was the same age as me and diagnosed in 2010 the same year as my diagnosis. I felt so sad for you both when the second SCT did not work and Stephen's health started to decline. It seems so unfair when people close to you die so young and too soon.

    I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you. You have my heartfelt sympathy. I hope you will be able to remember the beautiful, happy and loving times you shared together to help you get through the days and months ahead.

    Love Jan x

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