Hello all you helpfull and delightful people.
I have not been on the forum for some weeks past, although I do read the posts when I can. Anyway, I just want to thank you for posting the info on subcutaneous injection of Valcade. As you probably know, my wife Cecilia,is now in her 6th year as an MM "member" and had a STC some years ago. She was on the original trial of Velcade (over here) and has run the full gambit of all the other trials as well. Last Nov, she started back on Velcade (at a reduced amount) and has been very stable since then. The only drawback was the deterioration in her veins for the insertion of the canulla on her twice-monthly visit for treatment. Then, I noticed that a member of this exclusive club (Myeloma UK) had heard about subcutaneous injection, so I mentioned it to Cecilia's team here in Ireland. Never heard of it, but they would make enquiries. Sure enough, two weeks ago, she got her treatment by "Subcute" and it worked like a dream. She is the first (yet again) to avail of new types of treatment. So, dear friends, only for you, Cecilia would be in a poorer place regarding her treatment. Cyber hugs and applause from me to you.