travel insurance experiences or antidotes

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Jmill 9 years ago.

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    Hi all, My wife and I are planning a boat trip down the Rhine and Moselle in June. I am at the moment researching Insurance. I already have an up-to-date EHIC.
    I have downloaded and printed the MyelomaUK Insurance advice and their list of potential insurance suppliers. My wife works for an Insurance Broker so that helps. What I am after is any personal antidotes/experiences from anybody who has had to use their insurance or discovered a small print exclusion to watch out for>:-(
    Thanks for the help, kindest regards



    Hello David

    We went to Ibiza last sept and insured throught a company called MIA throught the agent J D Travel its a company that specialises in insurance for very ill people even if they dont feel very ill just the related illness that people have.We went throught the terms and conditions and they seemed very fair you must hold an EHIC card which is upto date and use the country that you are visitings health service if you are in as we were in spanish territory they have a habit of taking you to a private hospital MIA even gave us the name and address of our nearest one so if anything happened we could have asked to go there i dont think they are the cheapest but it looked like the best cover
    Kind Regars JO 😎



    Hi David

    The first time we went away after Stephen's diagnosis we went with MIA. No problem at all but then we discovered that we were already covered for health insurance on an insurance policy we already held as long as we let them know that we are going and that Stephen is not currently on treatment (RT Chemo etc) they don't include maintenance drugs those are OK.

    Check any insurance policies you have to see if you have cover that you are already paying for.




    Hi David Just wanted to add Michael and I used MIA 2 years ago he was on Velcade at the time we paid £30 and that included flying me home if there were any problems

    PS We only went as far as Southern Spain
    to see my brother



    I am now 70 and unfortunately no longer in remission.

    We searched the web a couple of years ago for suitable travel insurance companies who would cover Myeloma and it took a while to find one. We even trawled through all of the companies listed on the Myeloma site.

    We have been with All Clear for the past couple of years, but they are not cheap.

    However we have now switched to ‘insurancewith’

    I answered their questionnaire online and as usual there are lots of questions to answer, about your condition and medication etc. Then at the end they asked me to phone them to discuss my situation, as it was not a straightforward application.

    They were able to bring my responses up on screen and went through each section for clarification.

    I am a great believer in declaring everything, as having worked in insurance many years ago, know exactly how companies can wriggle out of paying up, if they discover that you have not done so.

    This can happen even if your claim is not directly related to your longstanding condition.

    ‘insurancewith’ are definitely worth having a look at.











    Hi Steve,

    I have just spent the day filling in webforms and answering questions about my and my partners not so great health for a forth coming trip to ski in Canada. Wish I’d looked at your post before I started as ended up with InsuranceWith and had the same experience!

    I declared everything I could think off as like you don’t want the insurance company wriggling out of any claim we may need to make.

    Certainly in comparison to some of the other companies on the list the quote was reasonable and the web/ phone experience very good. Would recommend for the point of view of obtaining insurance just hope I don’t need to post a review of having to use it!


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