What a month Oct was

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    Hi all, Well I think October has got to go down as my worst month ever.

    At the beginning of the month I started on Revlimid and Dex. They also changed my Bisphosphate to yet another one, cannot think of the name at present. They had detected a tumour on some recent x-rays at the base of my skull so I was put in for Radiotherapy for that and some for four of my ribs. Then to add to it all I had heavy catarrh on my chest and a cold in my head with a wracking cough, my lungs still hurt when I breath deeply. I ended up on Antibiotics and being closely monitored by my Doctor. I lost a stone in weight, I just could not eat no matter how hard a tried and the bone pain from the changeover of bisphosphates was horrendous. What a month 🙁

    However the good news is that I went to my assessment last Friday and my PP's had dropped from 22.9 to 6.6. in a month. WOW, WOW WOW. 😀

    I start my next course of Rev/Dex on Monday I will be really interested to see my assessment results on the 29th Nov!!

    Got to dash I am cooking the Sunday Dinner.

    Kindest regards to all – Vasbyt




    Fabulous news David!




    Well David I now see what doing Vasbyt does for you, well done my friend, it is working and we all know about the rough times but with doing whatever it takes and Vasbyting as hard as you can it proves it will all end up being Onwards and Upwards, well done again and i expect you to keep that flow going in the right direction.

    Vasbyt my friend as its working 😎

    Tom Onwards and upwards 😀



    Great news David. Hope you get a long remission.

    Ian has to have another operation to remove the pin in his spine as the mri scan showed an infection . Hope his bones have fused and it is a quick operation. Can you advise me on khasoplasty?

    Are you cooking something nice for dinner?




    Despite all your cooking dinner, that really shows Positive Mental Attitude. I think you have a lot to teach us. As many a PTI said to me "work through it, it's only pain" and I think that's possibly what your doing.




    Well, October does not sound like a great month for you :-(, but wow what great results on your pp levels!

    Same again for Novembers results please.

    Love Ali

    Roast beef for our Sunday lunch



    Your comment brought some memories back Dick. I was a Regimental PTI and once when taking training I said to this guy, "Come on keep up, what is a bit of pain between friends?" quick as a flash he replied, "Yea, but I ******* hate you!". I smiled through the rest of the session. 😀 😀 . And, yes, he kept up. 😉

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Sorry Maureen I cannot. I have never had one. When they repaired my neck they put in four titanium posts and a plate, wonderful job. I am sure several people on the site have had a khasoplasty, perhaps they can help. I think the best is to 'phone our MyelomaUK nurse.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Hello David i wondered where you got to8-) it was quiet ha! so pleased that you have done so well with your treatment sorry to her that you had a rough ride recently, my Mum starts velcade next week hope that it works for her too,though the side effects look awful! love San x



    Hi David

    Like everyone else I was wondering were you were,but in some things we are are a private bunch,but glad to see you have not kicked the bucket.
    Well it seems to be doing the job which is the most important thing,so you most be pleased,

    A few more cycles then maintenance,should work well for you. Wishing you the best Eve



    So did you make guys hang off the wall bars by their hands only and do press-ups in the mud? Did you make them do cross country followed by a BFT run?

    They were great days!



    Hi David

    Quick touch base to say great result for the pps, hope you sailed through the radiotherapy and that the Sunday dinner went well 🙂

    Onwards and upwards….I must think of my own catchphrase!

    Vicki and Colin xx



    Lets put it this way Dick, I did all that I asked them to do PLUS they carried 40 lb of weight I carried 60 lb. I always offered to swap packs with any shirker 😀

    When the Col called out for me to take the training 160 fit young airborne soldiers groaned. :'-(

    Happy days.

    kindest regards – vasbyte




    Thank God I joined the RAF! Although the RAF regiment like to do things to extreme.



    Hi David

    Do hope November is a much better month for you. You always put a bright spin on things.

    How did they diagnose your latest problems, did you have another scan?

    Wonder why they keep changing your bisphosonates? I have been on Zometa infusions, four weekly, for over two years now and they certainly have done the trick preventing he stress fractures they were fearful of.

    I love men who Cook Sunday dinners, Gordon cooks the best roast beef I have tasted.

    Happy days!

    Mavis x

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