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  • #122215


    Hi Janet
    I have the ridges on my fingernails, hey break easily and ‘peel’ too. I find the coconut oil is great on my feet and hands too in fact on all my skin. I have tried lots of creams but this seems to be the best so far. Just another side effect but as you say we are still here. I am being admitted on Monday 25th for SCT my first was 11 hers ago so hoping for another 11 years… Bless you and I hope you are feeling well




    oops consultant dentist…



    My nails dry and split constantly I put coconut oil on them. My teeth have also been affected but I am seeing a consultant dents o keep them in check. So far no need for false teeth !!! Good Luck.



    Difficult to read your message BUT I had a stem cell transplant 11 years ago It worked and gave me 11 years remission – I am just facing another SCT hope to have another 11 years.



    Oh Jeff I am so glad you had a positive consultation the consultant sounds helpful and supportive, and willing to listen to you.
    You will feel more at ease knowing you can sort your daughter and settle her in close by this will take some pressure off you.
    All hospital car parks are manic, there is never enough space and always a struggle to get in, and they are expensive too!!!

    I went out for lunch with a friend yesterday and enjoyed just being on a very short walk , small things mean a lot when you are recovering physically and emotionally.

    I hope that you can relax a little and consider the future in a very positive way. take care again try to take one day at a time (although I want to just get up and go it is hard to slow down isn’t it?)

    Andy thanks for your comments wishing you well with your journey. I am meeting with the transplant team next week and maybe sort out what next – but I need to be sure it’s ok.

    Bless you for your very positive comments If I can help in any way please just ask. It’s good to be in contact.

    Best Wishes



    Hi Jeff
    Doing ok just needing to rest more it seems
    Just back from the hospital. 11 Staples removed (ouchie ouch). Mr Thambriaj, my consultant, is pleased, nothing unexpected happening, will take another three months or so to settle all the skin, nerves, tissues, tendons and blood vessels that he had to move out of the way in order to operate on my vertebrae. He is amazing. I really appreciate all the prayers, love and positive vibes that have seen me through the last month or so. Next step is to consider the Stem Cell transplant so not quite out of the woods yet but getting there.

    I think you are amazing with what you have to put up with Myeloma certainly is a difficult cancer to sort out and it throws out such diverse symptoms – certainly keeps us on our toes

    Bless you Jeff – keep smiling and hope you are feeling better soon

    Best Wishes




    Hi Susie

    It takes some time for all the drugs and such to get out of your system. I think we always expect that the treatment ends and we are well, it takes time to rebuild immunity, to feel confident and to be the positive people we were before treatment. You have been through a great deal and need time still to rest and recover from the battering to your body.
    Take things easy, rest as much as you can, eat well and try to avoid anyone with coughs and colds as you will still be vulnerable. My consultant says it takes a good few months for all the drugs to clear, so just take each day as it comes my dear and don’t try to push yourself too much, if thats possible. Bless you

    I do hope you feel better soon.

    Love and hugs

    Dorothy xx



    Hi All
    Susie and Jeff thank you for your lovely thoughts you are so supportive. The operation was longer and a bit more complex than expected but the consultant is pleased with how things went and my progress. I was in theatre 8 hours then ICU for 2 days but I was home on Friday just 3 days after the op. Having the dressing changed daily, learning to rest more during the day as neck is a bit sore and my body is recovering from all the trauma and drugs. I am now waiting for biopsy results and more tests so the team can decide when to do my stem-cell transplant.
    I feel very well considering am eating, drinking and moving about well .

    Bless you both I continue to hold you in prayer for your recovery and responses to treatment
    Keep smiling and be happy – each day is indeed a blessing.

    Susie I haven’t heard of this treatment sorry

    Much love to you

    Dorothy x



    Hi All
    You are an amazing group of people and we are all coping in different ways, with it seems some different treatments.
    I wish you all well
    Susie thank you for your lovely message
    Andy – yes every day is a bonus and a blessing
    Jeff – thanks again good to hear of someone else who has had the op.
    David – I pray for good results for you

    Keep smiling everyone and keep positive

    Best wishes and prayers for all




    Hi Jeff
    Thank you so much for your encouragement and support. It is hard to relax and not think about the operation. The ‘team’ are very professional but although they can tell me the technical side they can’t explain how it actually feels to go through treatment and operations. Although I am still tense I just want it to be over now so I can continue just getting on with life.
    Bless you for taking time to let me know how you felt.
    You are an inspiration

    Thanks again and I wish you well




    Hi Susie

    Am booked in for spine surgery on 17th February so a little worried at the moment. However the team are very positive so I have to put myself in their hands.
    Praying for a positive/good outcome

    Hope all is well with you Susie
    Keep smiling

    Best wishes




    Hi Susie

    Cant help with any advice but I want you to know I am thinking of you and hope that you can get advice from your team and from others who are at this point so that you can make an informed decision

    This is indeed a mind bending disease but it will not defeat us- keep strong and positive

    Bless you

    Dorothy xxx



    Hi All
    There are days when we all feel the need for some support. Little things can set us off but little things can also lift us up, a kind word, a phone call, a smile, a memory. Jeff you should never feel ashamed of yourself as we all have down days no need to beat ourselves up, just pick ourselves up. The treatment itself can make us feel poorly or tired. Those of us going through treatment know the ups and downs but we have a hope and a light at the end of the tunnel. Just take one day at a time, step by step. We are here for each other never alone if we can help it
    Bless you



    Its good that we can support each other
    Keep getting better friends




    Hi Susie and Jeff
    Good news from both. I have jut had my stem cells harvested but have some spine involvement so not sure if and when transplant may take place
    Love and prayers for all


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