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    Best of luck for the Transplant on the 6th I am sure everything will work out fine.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    [b]OPPPS SORRY[/b] Had a senior moment when replying to your post. You were asking about a Stem Cell [u]Harvest[/u] and NOT a [u]Transplant[/u]. Sorry.:-/

    Sue, who clearly read the question, has given the correct answer 😀

    KIndest regards – vasbyte




    Hi Terry, Best of luck with your SCT.

    The best thing I ever did was take in my Laptop and Mobile. Most of the time you are just waiting for things to happen and my Laptop was a God send. Plus the wife and I text each other, which meant she could check on what was happening at any time, but most of all we could say good night and good morning to each other every day –ahh who?s a big softy then!

    Have you checked that the hospital has a Wireless connection you can log into? If not you can buy a dongle from PC World for a month.

    How you will feel is not an easy question to answer. Some get very sick others breeze though it like a walk in the park. You MAY get diarrhoea, sickness, sore throat and mouth. I had the sore throat which was pretty bad and then I had a real bad infection when they took the Central line out of my chest (used for taking blood and putting in medicines etc..), otherwise a doddle 😀 😉

    Kindest regards ? Vasbyte




    You sound good to go Penny – Vasbyte.

    Kindest regards




    Hi Penny, Firstly Welcome(?) to our site. As you say bags of information on here and the good news is it is all up to date.

    You will hear this many times I am afraid but Myeloma is a very individual decease and it attacks everybody slightly differently and of course your health, fitness etc.. all come into the equation of what happens. None of which helps you a lot!!

    Unless I missed it you did not say whether you had had your Stem Cell Harvest. If you have not that is quite a painless operation. You are fixed up on a machine with needles in both arms and your blood is circulated through the machine and the Stem Cells are extracted. However prior to this you do have to have injections of a drug to stimulate the growth of Stem Cells and this can give you a lot of Bone Pain, which is not pleasant but does not last long. I found a hot water bottle placed on the area helped.

    When you are admitted to hospital for the SCT you are given drugs that attempt to kill all the Myeloma, unfortunately it also kills off all fast growing cells, hence the loss of hair. It can do a lot of damage to the throat, mouth and stomach and these are the areas that will give you problems. I had a very bad sore throat but my mouth and stomach were not too bad. You will lose all sense of taste and everything tastes foul, even water, and your appetite will not be good. The actual Stem Cell transfer is again painless a drip is attached to your arm and your stem Cells are slowly reintroduced to your body. Then is the wait for your Neutrophils to rebuild themselves from your re-introduced Stem Cells. And that basically is that. I had my SCT over 1 year ago, so if I have forgotten anything I am sure someone will post.

    I wish you the very best of luck it is worth the effort ? stay positive.

    Kindest regards ? Vasbyte




    That is tough news Bridget. Keep going young lady you WILL beat it.

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte




    As usual Bridget has taken the words right out of my mouth, I am sure she is right.

    I get all sorts of aches and pains left side of chest then it is the right then it moves to my neck ? opps sorry that is the wife ? but you know what I mean. I put them all down to the way I sleep or doing too much and like Tom says a simple stretch out to reach something can bring it on. And, of course, Myeloma is always in the back of your mind. My lovely lady is always very grounded and the first thing she says when I say I got a pain is ?What have you been doing today?.

    Keep going.

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte


    P.S Sorry, I noticed your Monday post after posting.8-)



    Welcome Terry, My you have been through the mill. You will find some good support and understanding on this site and there is plenty of good information, but best of all there are some real nice people:-D

    Kindest reagards – Vasbyte




    Just after I had my SCT, Dec 09, I had night cramps a lot now it is just the occasional cramp in my legs at night.

    I do suffer from very cold legs at night and if I stick one out from under the duvet I am in trouble, hence the reason I am sitting at my computer at this hour 🙁 .

    Kindest regards vasbyte




    Good for you. I love the ability to "edit", WHAT Trade jazz?:-D 😀 😉

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    It is the river Teign, they live in Shaldon by Teignmouth.

    The wood is all ex fencing material and as such has all been " presure treated" so it should last for a good long time. Which, as I have no intention of going soon, is a real good thing 😉



    I am still thinking about music.

    The only tune I have settled on is Red Sails in the Sunset by Acker Bilk (for those to young to remember him he is a Trad (thanks Scott) Jazz musician). I am hoping to have this played as I am lowered into my grave.

    I like all music, but not a great music collector, from operas to Bop so I am trying to think of tunes that actually meant something to my wife and I.

    Ruled out is "My Way" at the Vicars request he said he has heard it so many times he is sick of it 😀 😀 😀 .

    Kindest reagards – vasbyte




    Planning for that is well advanced, seriously. As is the remodelling of my son's grave with mine into one double plot with a new kerb set and headstones. 😎



    It would only accept 5 photos so here are the next 4.



    Yes, thanks for that information.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte


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