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    Welcome back Shirls nice to hear everything is going well. Take it easy now:-)

    kindest regards




    You could not have come to a better place. You will find a real nice bunch of people here some Careers, some with Myeloma – like me and some just friends or relatives. They have a wealth of experience and will no-doubt be happy to help and support you. If you have questions do not be afraid to ask. If you just want to rant and rave how unfair it all is feel free or if you just want someone to talk to there will always be somebody here ? just post.
    Kindest regards



    Hi Sean, Best of luck for today I sincerely hope things turn out better than you thought.

    If you are going to try for DLA or any such benefit find the local Macmillan Nurse and get her to fill in the forms for you. I do not care how clever and articulate you are, "they do it better!" 😀 . I went to them and got my blue badge and Benefits within a month with no trouble at all.

    If you do not mind the question and I am not being intrusive (if I am please ignore the question), when you say your SCT failed what do you mean. I have just had my SCT (Dec) (diagnosed July 09) and am interested in what constitutes a "failed SCT", actually it is the first time I have heard the expression. At the moment my figures are good although I still have a residual PP of 2.2 which it is expected/hoped will go down in the coming months.

    Kindest regards




    Yes, you are right Amelie. I am just greedy:-D. Just wanted that magic ZERO pp. Who knows I might still get there 😉

    kindest regards



    Try standing in front of the mirror naked – I find that helps a lot 😀 😀 😀




    Well, that is good news Keith. Well done:-D . Please keep us informed as your treatment moves on. Perhaps another 2.8 years remission awaits you after your next SCT.

    Kindest regards




    Well done Gaye just keep going. No doubt we shall all be interested in your progress so please keep us posted. Just what is Pomalidomide though:-S ?

    kindest regards




    Hi Amelie, Great news he is in remission, has John had the Swine flu Jab? The annual Flu jab works for me before I was 65 and could get it on the NHS I was always having colds, some would last months. Since I have been having the annual flu jab, touch wood, I have not had a cold I can think off (3 years now).

    I go for my my first check since my SCT (15th December)on Tuesday 11th January, I will make a point of asking about it.

    kindest regards




    Jenny, MyelomaUK will send you an information pack free of charge. It contains ALL the information you could every want on Myeloma. Give them a ring now and you will have it by first class post ASAP.

    Kindest regards




    Tough Keith, I wish you the very best of luck on Monday.

    You have beaten it once and I am sure you are the sort of guy that can do it again. Seconds Out, clang, clang of the bell – Give it h**l buddy.

    kindest regards




    Ohh I very much hope you get it Min.

    My wife, at 66, still works 10 hours per week but she has her own reasons for wanting to do that and I totally agree with her. However, we so much enjoy our time together and as has been said one of the nicest is laying in bed in the morning with a cup of tea and knowing you do not HAVE to get up:-D

    Kindest regards




    2 years 8 months wow wow wow. That is excelent. I just hope you are wrong and you are just having a "bad hair week";-)



    Actually Girls, my original hair was a very light mousy brown. Very fine hair and dead straight. The new hair which grew back was very dark and a lot thicker and curley, but, I still had my bald patch. So all my family are waiting to see what will happen this time:-S

    kindest regards



    Hi Jenny,
    I am very sorry to have to welcome you to our little group. You have come to the right place though, you will find all the information you could wish for on this site and there is a MyelomaUK Nurse on the other end of a telephone to talk to if you so wish.
    I regret to say that 70 does, from my experience only and I am 68, seem to be the cut off point for some Myeloma Treatment. The reason I was given, which I think is perfectly reasonable, is that when you are over 70 you simply cannot take the toxic drugs required to control Myeloma; as your Dad has already found out I think. I also think there is an element of "is it worth it" involved as well, the drugs used are prohibitively expensive.
    My advice would be to give the Myeloma nurse a ring and discuss your Dad's case with her.

    kindest regards



    Hi Kieth, Early Jan is going to be a busy time I go for my post SCT results on the 11th.

    Are you getting a lot of bone pain? Apart from the occasional "stab" from one of my toes I do not seem to have that problem. Mind you my original skeletal survey did not show any lessions apart from a bl**dy great tumour in my neck:-0 .

    kindest regards


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