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  • #88922


    Hi Jo, you should have, just above where you type your message, and below the Subject box a line of buttons. The last on the right should be a smiley face. Click on that and it gives you a range of similes ::-) 😀 🙁 😐 😎 etc… (Hope we get more in the future!)

    At the present time there isn?t a spell checker. I normally type my messages in Word if they are long and copy and paste them in.

    kindest regards



    John that is so "human" and that is why it is so funny. You can almost imagine it happening!

    (can I recommend you do a seperate post for the next one you send in otherwise this post will become very long)
    kindest regards




    Chin up Roz, another B****y hill you have to climb:-( . My wife and I will be on our own this Christmas, no children or grandchildren this year and whilst I will not be totally on my own I know how you feel. I will be on the web on Xmas Day so log on and we can at least say happy Christmas to each other:-D



    Welcome to the new site John, yes, it is going to be a lot better than the old one once we all get used to it and they nail down the minor problems.

    Sorry I cannot help you with the itchy skin problem but I am sure one of the more knowledgable members will be able to help.

    Kindest regards


    p.s. Actually I think your post should have been under Side Effects, LOL.



    Nicki, what a wonderful posting, I feel so much for you and wish that I could someway reach out to console you at this moment. My wife, Mo, is not computer literate but I will ask her to read your post and Dai?s when she comes home. The pair of you have explained the situation I face next week and the effects on everybody involved so well. Thanks

    However, perhaps the attached photograph Dai sent me of himself when he was going through his SCT might help.
    Kindest regards



    Welcome Penny, 😎 It is going to be a great site for Myeloma sufferers and their Carers
    Kindest regards



    Now that is a "good" ending 😀 .



    Yes Dai, I have also completed the survey. I do not have to rely on benifits but I know what you mean and if we want people/organisations to help us we need to give them the information they need. I urge everybody to complete the survey – it is painless;-)

    kindest regards



    Things are sounding a little better already Fiona 🙂 . I would not worry to much about the tears. I think you will find most MM sufferers suffer from emotional bouts, in the main I believe this is a side affect of the Chemo. A sad story on the news can reduce me to tears for some reason.
    Kindest regards




    Is that a photo of your Son you have posted 😉 . Hard to imagine you as a michelin man! I was on Dex but whilst I got hungry I did not seem to put on too much weight about a stone. They took me off it a month ago, pre SCT, and I have not lost any weight at all.

    Kindest regards



    Welcome Roberta, I knew you would make it.
    The site is still going through its testing stage so there are minor problems that need sorting but do not let that dampen your enthusiasm it will all get nailed down in the end.
    Kindest regards




    Hi Fiona, I think the initial phases are always the worse in any illness. I failed my first stem cell harvest and then had to wait 5/6 months for the Bone Marrow to rebuild. I had my next attempt a month ago and it went very well. I got 2 million plus out on the first day. That gives me a pool of 3 500 000 for my transplant which, fingers crossed, will start on the 22nd this month. I should add I am 68 so this will be my first and last Stem Cell Transplant,
    It must be very difficult for you. I have always been very open about my illness with both friends and family; I email an "update" to 25 people!
    I would gently keep plugging away and seeking to discuss it with your Mum and Dad, my view (which I am not saying is the right view just mine!) is that you have a right to know. One piece of key information you should seek is the level of Paraprotien, this in most people is the measurement of cancer cells in the body. For example mine was 33 at diagnosis (18 months ago) and at the last count was 1.8. Your Mother will no doubt have blood tests, before her appointments, they take the measurements of PP level them. If your mother is not asking for this information see if you can persuade her to ask. Clearly you do not want to upset her but asking for that information might just help her to talk about it.
    Kindest regards

    p.s. Welcome to our little group :-/



    I tried to reply earlier but it would not go, the Techys must have fixed it:-D

    Have a great holiday the pair of you.

    kindest regards



    for the tech guys: I put an underlining under [b]For the Tech Guys [/b]in my post on the 12th all subseqent posts were then underlined! Today I deleted the underline from my post of the 12th and now all other posts are not underlined. You have a problem I think!

    Kindest regards




    For the Tech guys:-) Tried to post a reply to Tom's "I am off post". I clicked on the reply button but got the message "done- but with errors on the page" however there was no box to reply shown. Closed the site and reopened then tried again – same thing. I note this one works ok. Might be me but I thought I would post it anyway.

    edit note : Underlining did not stop after guys

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