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  • #84396


    Hi Amanda

    Welcome to the crazy gang…Well its the gang who stop the carers going crazy any way. I think it is good that your mum has been diagnosed before any treatment has started. That way the medical team will be keeping an eye on all developments. My husband was ill for over a year, he then got so serious that a ambulance was sent to rush him into hospital. After that tests started. So in my eyes my husband got diagnosed too late. He may be still here if things were different, no one knows! So Amanda remember it is good to know so you can be prepared in a fashion for when treatment my start.

    All the best to you, your mum and your sister



    Thanks John

    Coming on here brings me to Michael. I try and answer for him, with the things he dealt with.




    Hi Sandra

    My husband got told there were not used very often now. All his family wanted to be tested for donating but not one of them were tested. He died in December. We got told it was stem cell donattion now a days, then all the medications. After that none had a clue what to do for Michael. His body just gave up.




    Thanx all

    Finally been told I'm getting the money this week, At last!! Bank has made a fortune out of Michaels accounts.
    Having never lost someone before other than my grandma, this grieving process is quite hard.
    Sorry your down just now Shirley. Just blame it on medication. I use to say to Michael its not you its your pills talking.

    Thanks for the smiles Tom and Bridget




    Hi Keith

    Hang on in there mate. Come on you can do it. Michael stopped eating when he was on it so I'm glad you haven't.

    Please don't give in.

    I wish I could do something to help you, having seen things before. Just Drink, Drink, Drink.. Eat when you can too

    All the best Keith
    your mate Roz:-P



    Thanks Michelle

    Its been a bad day. I can't understand why I keep sobbing my heart out all of a sudden. Everyone says its normal but believe me it doesn't feel normal. I just feel a burden for being here and Michael not. May be that will go, but only time will tell.
    I don't wish this on anyone



    Hello Nigel

    Hope you don't mind me telling you this, I just feel like I need to for some reason.

    My husband got myeloma roughly around 3 yrs ago, he died xmas eve.Don't get put off when you here that. He suffered alot of side effects later in time.
    He was a healthy, fit man who worked, then all of a sudden became so ill. He was ill for a year, no-one knew what it was, he couldn't eat, got lots of pains in his back, then he got rushed to hospital because of his blood count and transplants and tests started.
    He had all tablet forms of chemo and thalidimide. Thalidimide didn't agree with him so he did well without it. He went from 89% to 4%. Then he had stem cell transplant. He was really poorly with this. He was in solitude for along time. But when he came home we got told it had been a success.
    3 months later his myeloma was back, with avengence. He had velcade which gave him many side effects, his body wasn't strong enough to deal with them so he was in and out of hospital. We got told this was working but after 3 months the same thing happened, he got his myeloma back. Then it was revlimide time. He never came out of hospital while he was taking this because all medications gave Michael infection after infection so he was fighting on a tight rope.This was a success for 3 months then it came back like mad.He fought and fought but passed away Christmas Eve.
    So it doesn't matter how you respond to treatment, its how and what your body can take with medications and the myeloma. Michael fought and responded well but in the end he died, you could be a lucky one and last for 10yrs. No-one knows so deal with your illness. Myeloma is a disease that every individual responds to differently.

    Please look after yourself and I wish you all the best in the future

    Luv Roz



    Thanks Tom

    You always cheer me wen I'm down.

    I'll send some photos if able.
    Its going to be a long wk trying to manage. I'm living on sarnies, toast, nuts, sunbites, and crumpets.

    Thanks for smile



    Hi Michelle

    Nice to hear from you. I'm only just starting to greive for Michael and feel guilty. Its daft but its how I feel. Part of me wants to go to where he is waiting.

    Getting kitchen started at the moment, so its cold, damp and depressing at the min and everything Michael decorated is slowly disappearing and I don't like how that feels either.

    Enough of me moaning.
    Keep smiling and encouraging your mum



    Hi Bridget

    Hope you've managed to put some clothes on, its a bit cold to be in the nuddy!!

    No I've not booked any holiday. I cannot imagine ever going again without Michael. I can't ask Rachael to give up her life for me, so I'll cope if possible or go to Michael if thats the only answer.

    Keep fighting the myeloma and the drugs
    Luv Roz



    Hi Bridget

    Sorry your feeling so rubbish!!

    It's hard understanding the side-effects of these drugs and also the side effects of Myeloma. When Michael and I talked about things like this happening to Michael, it was never the drugs it was the Myeloma, then when we blamed the Myeloma it was the drugs. I know alot of what your dealing with though, Michael did. So its the Revlimid. Runny nose. If I just stroked him he'd think I'm hurting him, and he was always saying stop being so rough, so thats the drugs too.
    Hope you start feeling better soon, I think once your over this bad patch things will start to pick up.
    all the best,
    Moan all you like, it does you good
    Luv Roz




    I'd love to go in a air balloon. Or even to a wild life park in Africa.

    Butttt Wheelchairs can't get in balloons, and I think a lion will get me don't you.




    Thanks John
    I've always been a big softee




    Thanks Lorraine

    I'm trying to keep going, I'm having a disabled kitchen fitted over the next few weeks, to enable me to look after myself more. Alot of my caring money will be getting stopped now Michael has died and his pension has come to me. So I'm to try and be more independent.

    I've decided a little at a time goes a long long way.

    Luv Roz



    Hi Gill
    I thought about keeping away, but there was such a strong period of help, comfort and information you all gave me through Michael's illness that I knew I couldn't keep away. I've missed you all and if I can help at anytime I'd like to do that


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