Yes Eve! That's one of the advantages of getting older. I feel more LIBERATED now than when I was a youngster. Can't sleep and TV is rubbish!! So to the next person I leave TED.
Do not talk about dentist,Monday spent in hospital to have a tooth removed had to have it done but that was the SITUATION.
Taking pain killers,such a coward I am.
ETYMOLOGY.something to do with words! That I can't remember cost I'm old and grey, but currently blonde from the sun. With brown skin of course, might get stopped at passport control for my entry visa hehe.
Over to you with OGY
theres only one word to I can think of and that is Happy to be home again, with my three pooches and 2 Burmans.
The managerie has all misssed me and are equally HAPPY to be home too.
PPY for next player