This topic contains 28 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by tom 13 years, 2 months ago.
we as a family will miss mum tremendously, but we tell ourselves mum is in no more pain, no more gruelling treatment and no worries about whats next.
We also know that mum would not want us to be sad and crying she would want us to think about all the goodtimes, the laughs and the fun we had before she became ill. We hope that mum will be having a big party of her own up there with all the family that has passed.
We are having a peaceful family christmas but will be raising our glasses to our lovely mum xxxx
Hi Bridget
What a terrible thing to happen, you know grief very well. I keep missing the killing, i love subtitles why i dont know! I am just about to get sky + so i will be able to record it i think!!
Sarah xx
Hi Bridget and Sarah
I just love The Killing. Although I'm enjoying this series I think the first one was better. I record it so I can watch it in peace. I tried to watch it "live" and frank would talki and I would miss the sub titles and rewind – so in the end – just record and watch at my pace
Love Jean xx
Hi Gina
I know you and you family miss Mum and am pleased you will braisingnf the glass in your Mum'Honerer and I for one will be sending up my Lantern this new year for all that has passed away with MM, please feel free to join me 🙂
Love and Hugs to you all xxx
Tom xx
Dear Tom
The lantern is a lovely idea[b] but big bu[/b]t make sure it does not have a metal ring on it as they are lethal to animals in the countryside.
It was an item on Countryfile on the BBC that cows for instance have died as a result of the metal frame on lanterns.
There are some available with fine wood of some kind that are far kinder to birds and animals and if I can find some I will be setting one off too. From the depth of Warwickshire countryside where I shall (weather permitting me to travel) be spending Christmas right next to a field full of cows and sheep acrross the road.
I am looking forward to time with the grandchildren and there parents of course.
I am with you Gina with regards to no more grueling treatment no more pain or worrying if a b or c will work, and all that went with it.
Its a far far better place our loved ones are in and its those of us left behind that suffer from missing them.
Love MIn
Hi Min
Yes I think its a great Idea too, will be looking for some with no metal on them, lets all go Lantern searching on new years day.
The depths of Warwickshire sounds great at this time of the year, though i aint struck on cows far too big for me lol.
Enjoy whats left of the week end
love Tom xx
yes i think i will join you with the lanterns and dont worry min they now sell eco ones that are kinder to the environment, so we can all buy them.lets light the sky up for our loved ones this christmas.
Gina xx
Hi Everyone
I have already bought mine could not tell you if they are eco friendly ,Mine will be set of on a sea shore,and don,t worry already thought of coast guard,I use to work for them years ago as a voluntary coastguard,
Christmas night seems ideal, to remember people we have loved and lost,and raise a glass,and be grateful that we have had the privilege to love and know them. Love Eve
Hi everyone
More love to you all who are struggling so bravely.
Thank you Min for that lovely explanation of grief. I will certainly share it with others. My neighbour was only asking me the other week why she didn't feel better, but worse, having lost her husband 18 months ago.
It certainly takes more time than most people who haven't gone through it realise, to expand your new world experiences enough to feel slightly better.
Much thoughts and prayers.
Mavis xxxx
I survived my first Christmas without peter with many moments of reflection, a small amount of tears,and lots of children's laughter.
My tears were mostly seeing my grandson playing with one of Peters tanks in the way I know he planned to do with him had he been here.
But on the whole not as bad as i had imagined, but have yet to go home and back to a reality check.
Hope those of you who are struggling to get thru the festivities are at peace with yourselves, and ready to move forward to tommorow, and tommorow. Small steps one at a time with best wishes to all for the new year
Hi Min
I survived too. Xmas Eve aniversary, I had music full blast, tears, looking at his garden. That evening two friends came, we set off some lanterns for Michael, then one friend started to get at me but hold me close and tight until I sobbed and sobbed. I felt better after that. Went to my sisters xmas day, been on my own ever since.
I've decided to put Rachael on a back burner. I'll never stop loving them but it's up to them when they come to me again. I'll just do the best I can to live my life.
If I'm able I'm going to help my mate chair the group we are both in, but others have got to agree. Plus he's got to get well he has come down with Chronic bronchitis. Hope it wasn't wen we were in wind setting off lanterns.
All best for New Year Min
and for All on site
Luv Roz xxx
Hi Min and Roz
Well done to you both am sure it wasn't easy for either of you but I send My Love and Hugs to you both ((((xxx))))
Tom xxx
Thanx Tom
No it wasn't easy! you can tell with me being on here now.
June got me to sob like never before.
My sister told Rachael on facebook she better get her act together b4 she looses me, not those words, alot of beeping I think.
Made me realise that Michael wanted me to carry on working for the disabled so I will if they let me, I've been out so long they may not want me.
I'll always love Michael, I know I'll never re-marry, but Rachael has to learn by herself. At the moment new boyfriend comes first I'll just hav to wait till she comes back to me. I'll do my crying either with counsellor or alone.
All the best for the new year.
Onwards and upwards
Love Roz xx
Hi Roz
And your welcome and a good sob is good for you am sure.
Are you on F Book then Roz? If so you can find me lurking on their fairly often Lol.
Have a great week and catch you soon
Love and Hugs ((()))
Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxx
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