Colin SCT starting, here goes!!! :-)

This topic contains 113 replies, has 24 voices, and was last updated by  Vicki 12 years, 2 months ago.

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    Here goes, will keep you posted when I can 🙂 soon will be all over x

    Vicki and Colin x



    Vicki I was just thinking about you and Colin this morning. Hope all goes well. Best to Colin. Keep us informed when you can. Hope Frank will be having his soon – 😉 everything crossed
    Love Jean xx



    All crossed for you all its gonna be spot on, keep well you both and keep us posted 🙂

    Love and Hugs Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxxx



    Hi Vicki & Colin
    Just letting you we're thinking about you. We hope everything goes well and Colin doesn't suffer too badly with side effects and is soon on the road to remission.
    All the best
    Andy & Steph xx



    Thinking of you Vicki and Colin

    Keep us all posted

    Best wishes

    Ann and Pete



    Vicky and Colin,

    Best wishes to you both. Hoping all goes well, will be keeping an eye on your updates.

    Emma. X



    Hi Vicki & Colin
    I follow all your excellent posts & will be very interested to see how Colin goes on with his SCT
    I am one week off finishing my CTD , compared to Colin , I hate to say but I have had a very easy ride, my SCT inJan
    As others have said , all fingers & toes crossed
    Best wishes



    Hi All,

    well here goes, no going back now :-). Colin had his Melphelan this afternoon so that will start to knock his old unwanted bone marrow out now!. He is in good spirits but wondered just how many of those ice pops he had to suck on. He started two hours before!.

    Yesterday was just a check over day, bloods etc. They wanted to insert a canula, but Colin reminded them he had a line in so no needles required thanks :-). After the chemo this afternoon and before it he had lots and lots, and more for good measure, fluid and has probably won the championship for passing water!

    Expecting things to get tougher from now on, but at closer to himn coming home :-). Thanks for all the good wishes and thoughts- it helps so much. We'll have to update our picture because Ive certainly got more grey hairs, and well Colin had that anyway…..but will have less soon!! 🙂 Trying to keep the positive hat on as its hard not to worry on the drive home. Still who is it that says 'Onwrds and Upwards!'




    Hi Vicky and Colin

    Just thinking about you two. Glad you mananged to get a bed after the shaky start (thats all you needed). Hopefully, Colin will be a lucky one and sail through with hardly any side effects. I remember Tom saying, its all doable. You have both got to grit your teeth. Is it a long drive home for you Vicky?.

    I blame my Mum for my grey hairs, just as she blames me for hers lol.

    Take care

    Ali xx



    Well done both of you, sounds like you are doing well so far. The procedure is the same as me, keep drinking lots, and wait for the chemo to work. My neurophils are 0.3 now, so pretty low after 6 days.
    Keep us posted, and keep smiling Guys! Chris x 🙂



    Hi Vicki

    Great to read that Colin is now on the ward. No doubt today he will have his stem cells infused. The time will soon pass and he will be home again so keep cheerful. We've just come back from 2 weeks in Cyprus which just goes to prove that there is life after HDT&SCT !

    Please give my best wishes to Colin and keep well yourself.




    Can I just add my best wishes to everybody else?s posts, Colin I am sure he will fly through it.

    A word of caution when he comes out [u]it is not over[/u], you must be fastidious about avoiding any infection for at least 12 weeks. Go over the top on it ? better safe than sorry!

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte




    Hi Vicki
    I'm so happy,cells stored and now sct.
    I hope it goes as smoothly as it can 🙂

    I think i was good until? 6 days after melph then felt crap ,but was monitored extremely well with my bumpy times.
    I too sucked ice 2 hrs pre melph and 2 hrs after ,ice was fine but my mainly soggy lemon ones tasted awful but i just munched on ,i had grade 1 mucositis,1 tiny sore that went fast.

    I had morning sickness feelings yuck but hopefully he can't get those. 🙂
    My sence of smell suddenly was amplified just as i started the downwood climb ,i could smell strong perfume as soon as a nurse came in my door ,i didnt know this could happen it was horrible strong smell = vomit

    I found i could take grapefruit segments and squash and also sips of strawberry nesquik but banana flavour just sat in tum… then…
    I couldnt drink much at all so unusual for me ,so just had fluid drip at all times 3 weeks i think !

    I had my asct in may this year and if i can support,advise on anything please contact me

    Onwards Tom 🙂 posted a cream for sore bots ,name escapes me but i requested that and used it and seemed to do its stuff(tubes upstairs) so forgot name for now

    wishing it to go smoothly,safely and as comfortable as it can be for you both

    will be thinking of you both and sending good vibes

    best wishes



    Hi Vicky and Colin…best wishes for the future on your way to remission…from a sunny Ibiza…woooo-hooo…stay safe…Phil

    Biker Chris… Hopefully your neutrofils will start to climb…albeit slowly…stay safe..Phil



    Just a 'Best Wishes' for as smooth a SCT as is possible and to reiterate Davids advice about post recovery.:-D

    It's taken a long time to get here… now see it through and enjoy the results.8-)


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