Hi All

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    Hi everyone, hope your as well as can be. I've come to order my annual Xmas cards and thought I'd say hello.
    Its 3 yrs this Christmas Eve since Michael passed away. Still find it hard to cope alone but counselling has finished.
    I speak to Tom often on Facebook. Its great to know people do survive this disease! He still makes me laugh a lot, Tom he is fantastic he keeps me going even now, when I'm finding it hard to cope.
    I've got a consultant now for my condition, he couldn't believe "I'd be left to rot" as he put it. I've got 3 carers so my independence is deteriorating a lot. But I still say no to walking frames, alarms and 24 hour care.
    Any way enough about me, Just wanted to wish you all the best.
    Love you all
    Roz xxx



    Hi Roz

    Really nice of you to look in,and to know that life goes on,no matter how hard it is,does the garden still look the same??

    Three years is not along time plus the fact it was Christmas,keep your independence as long as you can ,Slims looking at disability scooters to give him a bit more independence from me,but there are so many of them,will have to make are minds up soon,
    Good to hear you so cheerful,I have not even thought about Christmas,I hope the future ones are better than the last three,because life does go on,and as Andy would say its a gift. Love Eve



    Hello Eve

    Nice to hear from you. I've got a scooter which I use for local shops and occasional visits to see Rachael and Lauren
    Yes the garden is still looking good. Michael's bench and the fence got a revamp this year with colour and varnish.
    Hope all is going well for you.
    All best
    Love Roz xx



    Hi Roz
    Pleased to hear you doing OK
    Its not easy being on your own and can't imagine how much more difficult it must be with your disabilities
    Its two years for me now, seems like yesterday sometimes and others it seams to have flown by.
    I was out today for coffee with a group of about 10 widows and off on a weekend with about a hundred others next week.
    Take care Roz



    hi Roz

    What Xmas cards ?. Good heavens is it that close he he , well it must be cos my young bride is up an at em for kids Xmas.

    Am pleased your doing well, and I know you are doing better than you think you are, it's not easy young lady but you are doing a spiffing job of it so far, stay well, and am sure it's too early to wish you a happy Xmas he he.

    Love Tom xxxx



    Hi Min
    I know what you mean about time. One minute it seems like yesterday when he went and another minute it seems for ever.
    I'm glad your going out and about. I'm trying but depending on others is hard for me still. I've still not had a holiday or break since Michael has gone, I've been told off from doctors but I'm scared stiff.
    Keep going strong Min
    Love to you always



    Hi Tom
    I'm glad u think I'm doing good,just shows what I show eh.
    Speak to you soon



    Hi Roz,

    It's good to hear that you are doing well. I am amazed to hear it is nearly three years since you lost Michael, it seems no time at all. It is nearly 7 weeks since I lost Steve and I am not sure I am looking forward to Christmas, will need to do something for the sake of the children, and Steve loved Christmas. I am lucky to have some very good friends.

    Hi Min, Thank you for your messages on Way Up, I have not really got into it. I am still not sure how it works. I think I need some time to work it out, but my friends have kept me busy and I went back to work full time at the beginning of September. I had been planning to give up so I could spend more time with Steve, but in the end there was no more time to be had with him.

    Anyway my love to you both, and as Roz says, stay strong, Mari xx



    Hi Roz,

    Good to hear from you again and know that you are coping with your new life.
    I have been very tearful lately but realise that life will be like that for me for many years to come. Off to Vietnam this week on a photography holiday – can't wait.

    Tina XX



    Hi Roz, I havent been on for a while,but I do remember Michael and your journey,it was an hard time. Dont know if you remember me but my mum passed with myeloma nearly 2 years ago, she was here to see me married but then left us not long after. It is still very hard and I dont think I will ever get over it. But we have to go on . I hope you are well Roz, take care
    Gina xx



    Hi Roz

    I don't often come on the site now, but glad I have and pleased that you getting more help, life has not dealt you an easy ride.

    Not sure I want Christmas to come would love to hide under the duvet for several days but not an option!

    Take care


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