This topic contains 50 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by tom 12 years, 7 months ago.
Ok…. Called to discuss occupational health report ….. What are they going to ask. Do any of you lovely people out there have experiences to share?
Anxiety ridden Helen
Occupational Health Report – wow never had one but then my "Occupation" is now "pottering". Well, not quite, but you know what I mean. 🙂 so I cannot help fyou there Helen.
Kindest regards – vasbyte
Hi Helen
I thought every employer had a duty of care,so one can only assume,they are looking to see if your fit or may be a big fat pension.I suppose it depends what your job was and how long you have been off.
I know someone on here worked for the NHS although she returned to work,her general treatment seemed so unfair.i think a few on here have found problems.
So Helen go prepared,know your rights,Good Luck Eve
I have received a form about my ESA… I have got to prove that I'm not fit for work or they will stop my benefits… Hey Ho and here we go.;-)
[b][i]'I have a terminal illness, I'm now in the later stages and I understand from my consultant (all referrals and contacts attached) that I will never be fit again to go out to wor[/b]k.'[/i]
Should suffice… but it won't.:-(
Hey Ho.:-)
Hi Helen
I think i maybe able to help,i have had 2 occupational health interviews.Now i had the choice either to attend at their offices or have a "over the phone interview".I had the over the phone version which saved me a 24 mile round trip.
After the "interview" you will/should receive a written report of the meeting,below are the headings on my report.
[b]Currents health issues[/b]-You give them info about your condition,treatment,how you feel while on and off medication.let them know about your medical certificate (if you have one)and just tell them how you feel you would like to return to work.My advisor has stated that I would have a disability relevant to the Equality act 2010 and is clearly defined in the act.
[b]Current capacity for employment[/b]
My advisor stated in this section about my ability to return to work at this stage,also included about any change of hours that may have been requested when returning to work.
My employers (local authority) have been very very supportive,and I have not found this a problem area.You should be able to take union representation in should you need.
You maybe asked to share the report with your line management,but this needs your agreement.
I have been off work now for 9 months and had 3 home visits from my manager and 2 Occupational health interviews all have been very supportive,with thoughts towards my return to work when ready after SCT and allo graph.
I asked the question-"will i be made redundant at the 12 month point?" answer was absolutely not!
The only thing to watch for I think.. is early retirement due to medical condition.
Hope the above helps
cheers Paul
Hi Helen
Think Paul has covered most things. I used to work in HR before all of this although it's been a while since I was on the advice side of things.
THey have a duty of care to see if you are fit for work….they shouldn't be asking you back if you aren't, but as with all business, are likely to take the view that if you are fit for work, they should have you working rather than pay you sick pay!
If you have a nice HR person, I would hope they would just ask how things are going, how you are feeling, what your thoughts are about returning, what you would need in place to be able to return to work (if you are capable). If you are wanting to go back, I would seriously push for a phased return so that you can build up to your old hours. That way you will see if your body can cope with the job.
As Paul says, if you aren't fit for work and continue to be unfit to work, they may start to move you towards the early retirement on medical grounds. That can get a bit more tricky as it depends on your company policy etc.
I am sure it will all go fine (I was always very nice to people when I had these meetings:-) !!) but if for any reason it doesn't, let me know the details and I can get you some advice – my brother in law has an HR Practice and trained as a barrister too! He's normally happy to help my MM buddies!!!
Take care and keep us updated
Debs x
I saw an occupational health chap too. He reckoned I would kill myself if I tried to go back to work as my immune system is pretty much non-existent. Must be the same for you too surely with all the chemo treatment. He said I would pick up every germ on the train which in the rush hour is always packed. That is on top of low energy levels etc. I actually had thought I would be a lot fitter again by now, but just have to accept my limitations going forwards.
All the best
It's frustrating though that there is limited support out there. I just about get the ESA (although am waiting for them to question that!) but am not eligible for DLA as I don't need support with caring for myself – I can just about cook etc but we have a cleaner as I don't have the energy for that. I wish I'd applied for it when there was NO WAY I could work.
So now, I'm probably in that place where most people around me wonder why I don't go back to work, but like you say Scott, if I went back, I'd be permanently ill (and annoying the business!) and have no energy for any sort of life at home with my family.
Hi Helen
I had my SCT in December 09 but I went on sick in May 09:-( I was due to have one but they cancled it after they found out mine was "Reminal" (sorry folks for those word's :-S )
I wanted to go back to work its what kept me going on BAD Days, but all My Consultants and lead Nurses said I shouldn't go back to my work again as its too heavy? but me being me i went back and they gave me a lesser job (same pay mind you) so all I do is sit in a brick building and come out to book drivers in when they come to collect/deliver.
Do I feel that I made the correct Choice going back ??? No I dont think I did, I get way too tired and have had more coughs and bad chests than you can shake a stick at But am here now and Al wait for summer to arrive and see how I feel then 🙂
Good Luck with yours Helen 🙂
Love Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxx
Dear David, Eve, Dai, Paul, Debs, Scott and Tom
I'm really sorry not to have replied to this post earlier, I am sooooo grateful for your very sensible advice and suggestions and it is good to see that others have had different experiences to me.
I have an interview with my manager next week and am getting just a little anxious about it, so am exercising a new right I have invented.
This means I do not have to think about the stressful stuff until its over:-P . Though I have got all the paperwork in order.
So if you will bear with me I'll let you know how it goes next week, I'm off to an auction now to buy a cake stand!:-)
Love to all and thanks for just being there.
Good luck Helen. I have no experience of OT but hope things go well.
Love Jean x
Best of luck Helen lets hope you find your way though all this paper work and it will all go smoothly for you I cannot advise you about benefits as I am retired and on a pension
Regards Jo x
Hi Helen
The "right of the ostrich" love it….!:-D I may use that right at some stage myself.
keep us up dated
cheers Paul
Hi Helen
So sorry you have this to deal with on top of everything else. Thing to remember on all these interviews/questionnaires is, you must answer as to how you feel on "bad" days not "good". You do yourself no favours by being brave.
After all, what's a OH interview upto ALL you hve been through recently.
I would have thought the best you can do at the moment is to get them to delay any decision about return to work – unless, of course, they are working towards enhanced severance on sick grounds, and that's what you want. As everyone has said, they have a duty to work in your interests as well as their own.
All best wishes.
Love Mavis xx
Hi all
Ostrich now removes head from sand, I didn't buy the cake stand- too dear.:-(
I saw the boss today.
It was less traumatic than it could have been and I managed to keep calm and not cry! No idea what will happen but he went off with a list of things to find out about going back, and will let me know.
In jan I asked about ill health retirement so I could plan, knowing the facts about finance. I still have heard nothing. I've seen occ health and they want to see me again in June as I was too ill in march for them to recommend anything. So I've said I'm going back at the end of June, see how I get on with a phased return and we go from there. The only thing occ health were keen on me getting was a disabled badge! So I can park in the staff car park. What's that all about?
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