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    I love hope and optimism, inner strength and learning anything new.
    I love the smell of newly cut grass after it has rained
    I love cute puppies..ahh
    I love beating my younger sister at anything!
    I love to laugh
    But most of all..
    I love the beautiful memories of my very special husband and would give up absolutely everything to have him back



    I'll second that:-)
    Roz X



    I have just read this thread and I can't contribute for crying… I'm scared Janet will catch me and not believe the reason…

    I'll be back.




    I Love the wait for Dai's words of wisdom 😎
    I Love the walk My Young Bride (Elaine) and I have just had with Charlie (and we didn't stop at a pub??)
    I love the fact that our new kitchen is all but done 😀
    I love the fact that Dai will be back 😀

    Onwards and Upwards (drink free) x



    I love being loved, its the best feeling in the world.
    I love those that love me and I hope that that is not just a coincidence.
    I love the British seasons and the nature of those seasons.
    I love the silly, trivial things in life that move me to tears.
    I am moved to tears nearly every day and I love it… although it upsets Janet if she is not there to witness the event for herself… otherwise thinking there must be a darker reason… and I love her for that.
    I love my children, all three of them equally… although I suspect that only one of them believes that and that the other two suspect her as being the most loved… which is not true, although we are the most alike and perhaps they see that and draw the wrong conclusions. I am going to love showing them all the truth.
    I love myself, despite all my failings, I truly do and it has taken far, far too long for me to realise that as a fact.
    I love Janet to distraction and I love the fact that she knows this to be true. I love the fact that every single time she enters the room I am in I feel my heart skip… even when she only been out to put on the kettle. I hear her footstep and my eyes are drawn to the door, I can't help it and when she enters I look to her eyes. If we are in the sitting room my eyes follow her to her sofa (one each, parked opposite) and invariably she grins as she settles… and then checks to see if I am still looking… always.
    I love life, I always have… and now I love living… as a latecomer to the experience to my dying (no pun intended) shame.

    Lastly, for now at least… I love my cyber friends… far more than most of my so called true friends and far more than a large number of my family who have not managed to find the courage or the effort to stay in touch, despite my assurances that cancer is not a catchable disease… despite my assurances of the value that their keeping in touch would mean to me. I thought that I would hate saying that… but actually I love myself for saying that… and the sense of freedom and peace that it brings to me.




    I love to watch the sunrise in the morning,I put bird seeds out every morning just before the sunrise and watch the birds come down,when I miss it for any reason,the wood pigeons seem to be watching me as if to say "come on you have forgot this morning"
    I love the seasons many I have missed this year,i watched spring from windows,and summer has passed me by,I had a delivery of sun flowers yesterday from my daughter,I loved the way she gave me alittle bit of summer.
    I love the way friends insisted they took me out on my birthday,It made me put on a big smile,crack jokes and pretend that life is normal,.
    I love the fact that i can come on this site and say all this,because i would not let my barriers down,and tell my family how I feel.
    This is all very thereputic (spelt wrong)
    Love Eve



    Hi All

    I love the sea, the smell, the colours, how it is never the same and the danger, the sea demands and deserves respect!
    I love my children my grandchildren
    I love the South Downs and the beautiful green, springhy turf, that looks like vevet.
    I love the fact that I have rediscoverd my sister after Gordon's death and the fact that I have so many supportive friends and family, who are still with me or on the end of the phone
    I love this site which has been my savour in the middle of the night
    I love all my cyber friends, there are many times when I fel i have said the wrong thing and maybe upset some of you, I love the way my cyber friends never tell me so.
    I love all of Dai's posts I love he uses the englosh languge
    Loads of spelling mistakes too idle to look up the spelling, my loves are in no particular order!
    with love sarah xx



    Hi everyone,

    What a lovely thread! I love kev for being strong,
    I love my two beautiful daughters,
    I love my gorgeous granddaughter
    And I love being loved by them all!!

    Love and hugs to all you lovely cyber friends liz xx



    I love being able to back track on this thread for the posts that I haven't had a chance to catch up with when, like tonight, I cannot sleep.

    I could be quite evil and post an I hate thread >:-( !! I would be interested to know what others think. It could be fun if kept very light
    eg Tina posted that she loved cute puppies. With tongue in cheek I report that, although she is adorable most of the time, our POOPIE still hasn't quite got the hang of where she is supposed to go. Thank goodness for tiled flooring.

    Seriously, I have loved all the posts on this thread. I could lengthen my original post by miles, just reading others thoughts. Did anyone else think "Oh of course why didn't I put that down. "




    [b]I Love[/b]

    Silly things, little things, trivial things
    Non-sensical tid-bits that show how I feel
    In my sunshine and shadows
    Through my smiles and side-glances
    In those little romances I know to be real




    I love the discovery I made in the loft yesterday. I found in my sons boarding school trunk, my husbands uniform neatly folded with his hat and white parade gloves. Underneath it was a white thick folder with a large number of official looking documents, all of them commendations that I had never seen before.
    In the same folder was a wallet I gave him many years ago inside of it was a poem I had written to him before we found out I was pregnant with our first child.
    It was folded into a small square and was so dog eared and fragile I realised he must have taken it out and read many many times.
    It was in a little plastic package which also contained a black St Christopher medal. I gave it to him when we were married, Then it was shiny bright and silver. I love that he kept all these things without telling me. I am sad that he put the St Christopher in the loft obviouslsy because the chain broke…. I love to think that if he had kept wearing it he would still be safe with me.
    I love the note he wrote in his spriral note book which was his reminder book' inside of which was a letter to me to say sorry for upsetting me.
    I loved finding a bag full of 'blueees ' letters he had written to me over the years whenever he was posted abroad and before computers all neatly in datal order,
    I loved that man and the way he provided for me to the end. Without my knowledge even though I was the book keeper.
    I am discovering a hidden side to my husband almost every day, and I thought I knew him. After 40years he is still springing surprises on me and I love him for that too.



    Min I love that you share this with us, and that Peter clearly loved you so much, I love that you spent a little time with me when I felt so low,
    And I hate that this illness makes us be so horrible to the people we love most, I'd have done anything to have spared my family from taking this journey with me
    And I love that my beautiful daughter is on her way to do the Great North Run this morning and has raised more than £1000 in sponsorship for Leukaemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma Research



    Hi Min
    thank you for sharing your finds in the loft of what is obviosley a very loving and loved husband. Maybe one day I will understand why such loving and loved husbands, wives, children are taken when young and still have a lot of living yet to do. Today I found out i am to be a grandmother twice next year! My daughter in April and my son in May, I am so happy but I am so lonley too, there is nothing quite like a spouse to natter about the children/grandchildren with, friends are wonderful but.
    with love sarahXX



    Hi Sarah,

    I am reminded of a simple ditty spoken by Bilbo Baggins to Frodo in the first of the Lord Of The Rings Books when Frodo is about to start his epic adventure and Bilbo is quietly reflecting back on his life.

    [b]Bilbo's Song in Rivendel[/b]

    I sit beside the fire and think
    of all that I have seen,
    of meadow-flowers and butterflies
    in summers that have been;

    Of yellow leaves and gossamer
    in autumns that there were,
    with morning mist and silver sun
    and wind upon my hair.

    I sit beside the fire and think
    of how the world will be
    when winter comes without a spring
    that I shall never see.

    For still there are so many things
    that I have never seen:
    in every wood and every spring
    there is a different green.

    I sit beside the fire and think
    of people long ago,
    and people who will see a world
    that I shall never know.

    But all the while I sit and think
    of times there were before,
    I listen for returning feet
    and voices at the door.

    It is, as I say, a simple ditty… but it is also a powerful evocation of all those that have gone before… all those people, places and things we will never see and, for some of us, experiences we will no longer share.

    You will see and share a world with your children and Grandchildren that Gordon will never know… that he has never even been aware of… I know that Janet will have similar experiences when I am gone… and I want her to enjoy every single second. That will be her time, as this is yours… I wish I could stay and share every second but I can't deny those destined to carry on the joys of new experiences taken on a different path. I know my love will travel with Janet and with those that loved me… until, in a generation or two, we all in turn will pass into memories and legends on the perimeters of where love begins.

    For now I am content to wait my turn and dwell happily on my favourite part of this powerful ditty:

    I sit beside the fire and think
    of people long ago,
    and of people who will see a world
    that I shall never know.

    It is ours, it will be yours, it will be theirs.





    Hi Dai
    4.21 am,and your creative demons,are all around you,to be able to express living and death in such a powerful way is a wonderful gift ,I think you have expressed my thoughts on life ,but put it in a nicer way than I can:-)
    May be they are not demons but angels,your not ready to jump on the cloud yet.

    When I read this my thoughts turned to the people that have just lost loved ones,i hope it gives them some comfort,:-)

    I love it.Eve

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