worried sick

This topic contains 18 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  jmsmyth 13 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #91894


    Hi All

    Here I am again offloading on you all but I am worried sick about Frank. As you know he has not stated treatment. For the past 4 weeks he has not been feeling well, although as usual he has been trying to hide it from me (oh how I wish I was as unobservant as he thinks I am). I have been nagging him to contact consultant and as usual I was told that he was fine and there was no need. This morning I overheard him on the phone and I eavesdropped the conversation. He was on to the hospital and was saying that he was in a lot of pain. The pain starts under the rib cage on the left hand side and is all the way round to his kidney. When he came off the phone I made him come out with it all ? this has been going on for weeks but last night it got so much worse. It hurts when he moves. I asked him if he told them how breathless he was and he said he wasn?t ? but he is. They told him to come up to the hospital tomorrow. The A & E has closed at the hospital.

    Sorry to go on but has anyone else experienced this? I would appreciate any insight.

    Love Jean xx



    Oh Jean

    i think you have every right to be worried i know Frank thinks he is shielding you from it but he must realise you are not daft you have been with him to long for that before i was diagnosed i got paler and so tired i didnt break any ribs but i popped a couple the first one when my grandson barged me on the dodgems second one just picking something up I ignored all these symtems with in my own mind i will be ok and look where it got me in hospital with renal failure pnuemonia and MM and havinng 8 units of blood tell Frank PLEASE dont ignore any signs just make sure better safe than sorry
    Good Luck fot tomorrow
    Love Jo



    Hi Jean when will Frank realise he is not sparing you the worry by keeping things from you At least he did phone the hospital though It sounds as if it could be his ribs so getting checked out is very wise One thing I have learnt in the last 5 years is mever to ignore significant pain always tell someone. I hope itt is nothing too serious and he wont be in pain for too long love to you both Bridget x



    Dear Jo and Bridget

    Thanks for your replies. Frank is in bed and that is not like him. We were supposed to go out tonight for our sons birthday but that was cancelled. The boys are coming here but Frank has told me that he is not getting out of bed he feels so bad. I think this bloody disease has reared it's ugly head!! Thanks again it is such a comfort to be able to come on here to rant and get support.

    Love Jean x



    Hi Jean and Frank

    Well Frank I hope Jean shows you this one 😀 my Friend , I am the MM fella and like to still be the big strong (not silent) type the hairy arse docker BUT and I mean BUT with MM if I am under the weather I, my wife three sons and five grandki well you know what and who I mean well they Monitorer me Temp, pain score, the full Monty and if I or they feel that its "Just Not Right" then I phone the ward up and speak to a Nurse and if they want me to pop in (no A an E for me) I go straight to the ward unfortunatelyly we cant afford to hang about with this dreaded MM so listen to your body and your Family, Frank trust me it will be for the best 🙂

    And Jean I do hope you show Frank the above? it is a man thing I know I was same until I got got ill and needed to go on all the bloomin pills now I dont have to feel strong nor do I have to hide what I am going through with anyone, we need to get help and treatment as soon as possiblebale.

    And Jean please rant away when ever you need to 🙂

    Hope all is soon sorted out Love and Hugs to you Both (())

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxx



    Dear Jean.
    The important thing here is Frank has recognised that things are not right and has rung the hospital.
    Those two things are the correct things to do and he knows it. What he does not know is how his not telling you is affecting you? or perhaps he knows you better than you think and knows you will worry worry worry. and rightly so.
    Its a man thing I suspect he planned to get it dealt with and tell you if its something to worry about? Men ???. cant live with them cant live without them.
    Tomorrow no doubt all will be revealed and in the meantime I have no doubt you will spend a sleepless night worrying and be so tired that you cant take it all in tomorrow so have a glass of whatever helps you to relax and try and sleep as he most definatly will need you to be on top form tomorrow as he is obviously worried too.
    My thoughts are with you and I will pray for a good outcome for you both.
    Love MIn



    Dear Tom and Min

    Thank you both for your replies

    Tom thanks but I can't show Frank your reply – this hubby of mi e is a one off – he is such a private person – he doesn't discuss his illness with anyone. He's always FINE. when anyone asks him. Not even his sons and as far as I'm concerned it's like trying to get blood out of a stone getting info out of him. He knows about the forum but if he thought I was discussing him he would go ballistic. I think sometimes that I'm disloyal to him but I would go round the bend if I could not talk to my cyber friends. Maybe sometime I will show it to him. Thanks so much.


    Thank you for your good wishes. Two of my sons with their partners were up and I had a couple of G & T's but I might as well have drunk water. To be honest not sure I want to go to bed, just popped in and he's fast asleep – don't want to disturb him. He should know me by now – if I don't know what is wrong my imigination run riots. I think I'd rather face the truth than my thoughts. Thanks again for good wishes and I do appreciate the prayers. Will let you know the outcome. Thank you all again.

    Love jean xx



    Hi Jean I know exactly what you mean when you say Frank would go ballistic if he thought you were dicussing him because Jeff is just the same!! There have been a few occasions when I have spoken to a friend who then innocently repeated something very trivial boy was I in the doghouse ! Still thats the way they are and we love them anyway I hope you can get some rest tonight qnd some help for Franks pain tomorrow llove Bridget x



    Hey hey Girls am not the same ;-0 I am pleased Elaine and the kids want to, need to know how I am and Elaine can tell anyone about iccle ole me 😀 am sure it will all be good:-0 as am sure she has forgotten the "Dextatude" :-S Lol.

    But seriouslyly Jean I hope it all works out for you all

    :ove and Hugs (())

    Tom xxxx



    Human beings are such strange things, so diverse. I am totally up front about my illness with anyone who wants to talk about it, including strangers in the waiting room of life, so to speak. My wife would really rather not know I think. When I explain to her what is going on with me I always add the line, "I have to tell you this it may be nothing but if I cannot tell the Doctor you will need to know what has been happening so you can tell him plus what pills I have taken etc? etc… But I can see the reluctance in her eyes or maybe it is fear. This is in no way a criticism of my lovely wife I should hasten to add, who has been by my side and propped me up on many, many occasion during our 49 years together just the different ways people deal with these situations.

    The very best of luck to Frank I hope everything turns out well Jean.

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte




    Hi Jean i hope everything is ok with Frank, you cant be too careful with breathlessness, it can be blood counts are low but mum had fluid on her lungs, so make sure he goes and gets checked out. hope he is ok xx



    Thank you all for your replies and good wishes. We are just in from hospital. Left here at 9am!! He got bloods taken a thorough examination by a doctor who looked about 14. He was thorough asked lots of questions (some Frank could not answer and I had to take over). He sent him for an X ray which took forever and the we went back and waited. Ages passed and someone put their head in and said computer link was down so hadn't got results. We waited for such a long time – if someone walked to X ray department for results it would have taken all of three minutes. Consultant came in and said X ray did not show anything but she was going to organise an emergency MRI on his spine as she suspected that pain is coming from a crushed vertebrae (which she said when frank was diagnosed has nothing to do with Myeloma). His original appointment with her was next Thursday and she still wants to see him.

    So once again it is a waiting game.
    Thanks again for your comfort and support it is so much appreciated.

    Love Jean xxo



    Hi Jean
    Just seen and read your post,sorry Franks going through a bad time.
    I wonder how the doctor can say a crushed vertebrae is nothing to do with Myeloma,a lot of people including Slim started with a crushed or cracked vertebrae!!!!!!!
    Hope he has some strong pain relieve to get him through Christmas and Wedding,it,s a bit of a bummer for you,as you were on a high having all the family coming together.Silly to say try not to worry,the quicker he has the scan the better,least you will know were you stand. Love eve



    Hi Eve

    Thanks for your good wishes. When frank was first diagnosed 5 years ago she did an MRI and she told us the about the crushed vertabrae. She said that she could tell from the scan that it was an old injury and could Frank remember any incident. He did and when she told him I also remember. It was on a cruise and he had a silly accident and spent the whole time in bed in agony with pain injections. But we will see what the new MRI shows (that is when the emergency MRI scan comes through!!!)

    Love jean. x
    First son and family arrive on Tuesday. Hope frank is feeling better by then



    Hi Jean

    I have just caught up with these posts. Sorry Frank is having such a bad time and you are having such a lot of worry.

    I do hope the MRI doesn't throw up anything sinister. When you describe the pain around his ribs, it is very like the pain I get from time to time. sometimes, like Frank I can hardly move with it. I mentioned it to my Consultant this week and she said she didn't think iot was MM related as if came and went. I haven't had any breathlessness though.

    I do hope that Frank feels better by Christmas.

    Very best wishes to you both.


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