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    And that Jean, is just the right attitude. Best of Luck to Michael and you of course. Slow and easy now is the way forward I am sure.

    Kindest Regards – vasbyte




    Hi Stuart, You know you are probably right.

    I have used Norton since it first started I think. I have never had any problems with it. However in November 2013 I upgraded and I had a few problems in doing so which rather threw me at the time. However this new Norton is a lot more aggressive and even has a deep cleaning program for the first time, it is quite mild though. I had carried out several other driver/bios upgrades at the same time. However I started to get random screen freezes. I rolled back everything and searched high and low but did not check Norton for some strange reason. I could not find the problem.

    I though it was the fan in the end and decided to replace it and at the same time stick in extra RAM and an SSD as my main drive and move the current main drive to my second slot. Part of the exercise was to re-install Win 7 , my laptop was getting a little slow. I play World of Tanks with the Grandchildren and at 71 playing a 16 year old I need all the speed I can get. During the process I decided I now did not need Win 7 Ready Boost. So I tried to format SD Card to discoverer that Norton was not allowing the installation of the Driver, It was also not allowing me to upgrade Family tree Maker program either. I fixed both problems but it has certainly broken my trust in Norton.

    Thanks for your input.




    Hi Carol, I have been on bisphosphonates since 2009. I was on Paramidronate but recently changed to the 3 month jab. I have been taken off bisphosphonates in January because I might have to have a coupled of teeth extracted in May. If I do I will not go back on it until August.

    Everybody reacts to drugs differently but we all worry about Osteocronosis of the Jaw with bisphosphonates but it is extremely rare. Since being on the site I think I can remember only one person having trouble. I have had no problems and cannot identify any side affects I could pin to it.

    Hope this is of some help.

    Kindest regards = Vasbyte



    I will ty and get the name of the paper I think it was a red top national but I am not sure. I agree with you about SAGA. In my opinion the same has happened to AGE UK. My wife used to work for them as a voluntary Insurance Adviser. They got rid of all the volunteers. I rang then the other day with a pension quirey and the guy who answered had no idea and got a little upset when I kept trying to get an answer from him.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Well I could understand that if it was when I was coming back after say 10 days. But this actually happens when I am trying to sign in. It may well be the cookie is not recognised by all the other pages and consequently when I click on one page I am not signed in but when I change the page to another I am signed. If that make sense.

    Cheers – keep up the good work.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by  Perkymite. Reason: typos


    Yes, seems ok now.



    I take Dex k, 10mg per week on a Monday, with Revilimide daily. I used to take 20 mg but it was reduced to try to alleviate the side affects. I am normally up all Monday night – no sleep at all- and Tuesday can be patchy, some sleep during the day and some at night. The thing I feel really uncomfortable about is the under the skin crawlies. Tuesday/Wednesday I get bouts of it. It is like you have an army of spiders under your skin. I put it down to withdrawal affects and my body wanting more steroids (Dex).

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Dexamethasone (steriod) is well know for its side affects. I used to take 20 mg on a Monday Morning. Results; could not sleep at all Monday night. I could climb mount Everest Tuesday – by myself, Wednesday/Thursday I would get grumpy Thursday night I was shattered, Friday Saturday and Sunday were near normal. then back to Dex on Monday.

    Because of my good results – I am now officially in “Good Remission” after 5 years of treatment, they recently reduced my dose to 10 mg which is a little better but the jury is still out on that, because I am still awake at the moment!!!

    kindest regards – vasbyte




    Best of luck in your treatment Ange. Your feelings are just right, the road ahead can be up and down and bumpy at times but keep that attitude and you will be fine.

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte




    Best of luck Keith, Sorry to throw in a damper, I had 5 different types of mouth wash, most of them tasted fowl and I wanted to throw up when taking them. I had a real sore mouth for at least a week.

    A cleaner, from Burma, came up with a good solution. she made me a build up milk shake with ice cream and fresh fruit – all made into a smoothy I could suck that through a straw and it help to cool and sooth my mouth. Every day she was on she would make me one and left instructions for the others to do the same. She was a Cleaner with a difference – I think she trained as a nurse in Burma but could not get qualified in UK.

    Kindest regard – vasbyte


    Yeds it is just gone midnight and I dexing it!!!!!



    My wife and I used Texting. We found it great for keeping in touch. We could say good night and good morning and lots of other silly little things people say to each other when they have had 50 great years together, whoops it was on 47 years when I had my SCT. Really recommend it.

    Kind regards – vasbyte




    Great results from the pair of you. I managed 1.8 on me first session and I had to have a second harvest to got the extra 200 needed for a SCT. To say I was relieved would be an understatement although SCT is not the be all and end all of treatment. Many people go on to enjoy a long and happy life without one – their are several on this site.

    Best of luck to you with your SCT – it can be tough at times but just keep the end result in mind at all the times – it is worth it and “VASBTYE”

    I am off Chemo at the moment having has a very bad chesty cough for the last three weeks. I see the consultant on Friday and I think he will delay re-starting treatment again my chest is not good and I still have the cough!

    kindest regards – vasbtye




    I have been on this site since 2009 and I have never heard of diffuse plane xanthoma being mentioned. Whether it is anything to actually do with Myeloma I am not sure.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Hi Keith,

    You are right that we are all at different levels and so the Knowledge is spread over the whole decease. You pick up the detail as you go on. The normal measurement is Paraprotiens unless you have one of the more specialised bone/ blood cancers when they talk about Bence Jones and Light Chains etc.. Personally I would not worry about it all if PPs are your measurement then that is all you really need to know for now.

    I have moved from PP, because they are so low they cannot be measured at present, to light chains. My light chain measurement was 1.96, it will not mean a thing to you, it is in the normal range for the average person, not with Myeloma

    Kindest regards – vasbtye


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by  Perkymite.


    Although I have only met one other person on here, with myeloma, from Somerset. I was told in 2009 that Somerset had a high incidence of Myeloma – unfortunately I cannot remember for the life of me where that came from. However, talking to my Doctor the other day he said he had 3 Myeloma suffers on his book. It is said that most Doctors may not see one Myeloma patient in their life time so it does rather support the case!

    Kindest regards – vasbyte


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by  Perkymite.
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