This topic contains 48 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by BADGER 13 years, 11 months ago.
Just wanted to get it off my chest that I have applied for voluntary redundancy. I had made up my mind that I would become a full time carer in May when the mortgage is finally paid. then they asked for volunteers. I could have done a dance I was so pleased .I want to spend more time with Peter, and selfishly I want to stop getting up at the crack of sparrows to travel to work. I want to walk my dogs in daylight all the year round. I want to make curtains, paint rooms and fully furnish the dolls house I bought for my granddaughter and everything else that there is no time for. If I am not given it I will huff and puff and make myself sick! Im getting all excited and cant wait to find out now.
This is my contribution to the financial crisis and if it does happen I intend to attempt to get a myeloma support group organised in my area. There Ive said it now so no going back.
Go for it Min!!
I took early retirement 2 years ago (2 years afer Frank was diagnosed) and I am loveing it. I thought in the beginning that we would get on each others nerves – but after a rocky start(nothing to do with me being at home – Franks attituded to this bl***y illness and mine were very different)but once we got that sorted it has been really good. We do a lot of things together that we did not have the time for before. We sit up late at night watching DVD's knowing that we can get up when we want. Good luck to you and Peter. I am sure you will have a ball.
Regards Jean
Ohh I very much hope you get it Min.
My wife, at 66, still works 10 hours per week but she has her own reasons for wanting to do that and I totally agree with her. However, we so much enjoy our time together and as has been said one of the nicest is laying in bed in the morning with a cup of tea and knowing you do not HAVE to get up:-D
Kindest regards
Fingers and legs crossed that you get accepted, Min!!
Good for you Min, I really hope you get it! My husband and I are coming to the realization that I will probably not get back to work, but at 40 things are a bit different for me! At least the insurance paid off the mortgage which has been a weight off our minds!
Love Sharon
Dear Min
Oh that sounds wonderful and why shouldn't you do some things for yourself for a change. I'll certainly be looking to do the same thing when our mortgage is paid. So good luck with that and I hope you get accepted.
Lynne x
Hi Min I have crossed my fingers and toes too and really hope you get accepted You certainly deserve to do the things you have always wanted too love Bridget x
hi min
hope you get accepted fingers crossed. i wrote my resignation in june still on the computer! i relly think i need also to give up so many other things to do plus working plus soupporting plus time off for hospital apps is getting me down, not helpful for my nearest and dearest.
i wonder if i am being selfish to carry on working and should be spending more time with gordon.
decisions decisions
best wishes
Hi Sarah
I know what you mean. I wanted to give up work when Peter was diagnosed and decided the human contact at work was going to keep me sane. More recently I received a letter from M& S where I worked 20yrs ago to tell me they are gong to pay my pension next month when I reach 60. I decided then that once the mortgage was finished the M and s pension would keep me going until my old age pension was due, hearing I could volunteer for redundancy and get my police pension with no penalties made my mind up. Along with the fact that I have often thought that life is too short, and best; make the best of any time I have the opportunity to spend with Peter. I know he will drive me round the bend but nothing new there. Like you I am having a lot of time off for hospital appointments, I dash around like something demented and just want to slow down and smell the coffee so to speak.
Hi Min
You go for it girl. Not quite the same thing but I stopped all my voluntering groups, to spend more time with Michael.:-) So you do what you need to do. Enjoy life together, we used to enjoy sitting in the garden with the different birds.8-)
Slow down live your life instead of all the rushing here there and every where.:-S
All the best
Hi Sarah your comment about feeliong selfish for working jumped out at me You are most definitely not being selfish and I am sure Gordon doesnt think so either !!In some ways its reassuring when my other haif goes off and does his own thing , it makes life seem more normal if that makes sense On the other hand if you feel the time is right to stop work then go for it , I bet you wont have time to be bored!!Whatever you feel is right will be the right decision for you love Bridget x
Good luck Min I hope that you get your redundancy and enjoy more time doing the things that you want to do with Peter
Gill xx
Hi Min
Fingers crossed, retirement i can really recommed it this will be time for you to do what you want most of the time, if you are like i was working full time for most of my life its a return to freedom
Good luck Jo 🙂
Hi Min
Was just wondering how the redunancey was coming on. Have you heard any more. I forgot to mention; I worked in the University for 20 years. Our Unit was closing so all staff were made redundant. I had to contact Human Resources to agree the package and the clerk there asked if I had considered takeing early retirement as well as redundancy. I did not know that I could – no one had said anything. So I put in for it and got a real good package. Thought I would mention it- in casee it was relevnt to you.
Hi Jean
Well that sounds interesting, dont know if I can do that. The closing date was 10Jan for applications, and of the 450 they wanted they got 395.
The package is enhanced in as much as I will get 3times the normal redundancy payout, and my pension, (like you 20yrs) would have been penalised for going before I am 65yrs will not now be. I may look into it when I get back to work as it sounds like it would be worthwhile and early retiremant could give me several more years to add to my package. Up to last week had not heard anything but I am off with a bad back…..nothing like Peters problems but sciatica which is bloody painful when your not used to pain. YOu have given me something to think about and will look into it when I get back. Thanks for that. Any money in my pocket rether than theres after working since I was 15 with a 3yr break for kids. will be welcome.
Jo please sort out your photo so we can see you!
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