This topic contains 77 replies, has 33 voices, and was last updated by  tom 12 years, 9 months ago.

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    Hi everyone hope you are having a good day. I thought I would give you an up date of my myeloma saga. I had an mri on Saturday , which was very painful lying flat is not kind to my back Today I had a call from one of my doctors, who informed me they had reviewed my mri in their mdt meeting this morning To cut a long story short Bendamustine hasnt worked and there is significant growth of the tumour coming off my ribs They are very worried as it is very close to the spinal chord nerves and puts me at risk of spinal compression and paralysis So is I get pins and needles or weakness in my legs I have to ring them immediately What joy!! Longer term they are looking at a few options , the orthapaedic surgeon will review the scan on Monday , if he doesnt think he can do anything the Professor Tobias will see if he can do radiotherapy( trouble is its very near the place I last had radiothereapy) after that there are a few trials I may be eligible for although as a non- secretor it may rule me out So its all a bit of a shock and I also have to have a 4 day pulse of steroids not good for my temper !! I will keep you posted folks Stay well ( at least its warmer today!!) love Bridget x



    Hi Bridget,
    I have'nt been contributing to here for a good while but I do monitor most weeks. So sorry to hear that things are gone a bit awry, but knowing you (from the many wonderful and inspiring contributions that you have made) I'm sure you will overcome this latest hurdle. Wishing you well and thinking of you,



    That is tough news Bridget. Keep going young lady you WILL beat it.

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte




    Oh Dear Bridget, back on the band wagon again.
    Dont worry today is a bad day, and bad news is a bitch but tommorow is a new day and brings a new challenge.
    Once you have digested the results, you will pick yourself dust yourself off and start all over again as the song says. But guess you dont feel much like singing! Have a large one of what ever you fancy.
    New day new challenges. Good luck my dear and fingers crossed for you.
    Love Min x



    Thankyou John, David and Min how good it is to have friends who care I am as calm as can be really Had to tell the kids in a very matter of fact way so that they dont panic which helps me get a grip As you say Min tomorrow is another day and there is no choice but to get on with it! Mind you there might be a bit of whinging after 4 days of the devil drug –DEX!!! On a good note it looks like I am going to be able to get a new laptop hurray and my new car will be here on the 1st March Life is good love Bridget x



    Dear Bridget
    This must be such a blow for you, I hope they can sort it for you soon, keep going, you really are a tower of strength you know.
    Love Helen



    Oh Bridget I am so sorry to hear your news. You are such an inspiration to many on this forum and if anyone can get over this hurdle you can!! I wish you well and my prayers are with you.

    Love Jean xx



    Hi Bridget,

    That is rough, tough news but at least they are looking at and discussing options. First step is the surgeon… hopefully he can get to the tumour and take it out… or at least enough of it to allow the radiographer a bit more leeway. If it is down to the radiographer then so be it. I appreciate the problem but these surgeon/radiographers are pretty good at working at close quarters and hopefully he/she will be able to get to it and zap it for good.

    I am sorry to hear that the Bendamustine wasn't successful… but there are other novel agents out there… pomolamide (sp) etc… or perhaps a suitable trial.

    What have you had so far? I know that my consultant has talked about the possibility of CDT or a similar combination for me further down the line because it worked so quickly and so well for me the first time around.

    Try to keep positive as you always are and I hope you have some good news for us soon.

    Much love 🙂




    Dear Bridget
    So sorry to hear your news, hope you get better news soon and get everything dealt with. I haven't posted in ages, even though I look at the site almost every day. I've been really ill, long story, I may post about it later.

    In the meantime I send you lots of love, I know we haven't met but I just know you are a lovely person.

    Love Roberta



    Hi Roberta lovely to hear from you and thankyou for your kind words. Sorry you have been unwell I hopethings start to get better for you very soonStay in touch when you are up to it love Bridget x



    Evening all I have now ordered the laptop from PC World who say I am saving £220 , well dont believe that but I am saving a £100 so very chuffed !! And it will arrive on Thursday yippee !What a difference a day makes love Bridget x



    Dear Bridget
    Just saw your last posting and am really sorry you had such tough news.You have always been a tower of strength to everybody on this forum including me. You have to apply this strenghth to you now and I am sure that with all the love from your family and friends you will get through this as you are made of strong stuff you know!!!
    Just think of that lovely shiny laptop you will receive tomorrow. I also think that £100 quid you saved should go on another treat!!!
    Keep smiling and keep that chin up.
    Love Lynxxxx



    Hi Bridget
    Sorry to hear your news,lets hope they can treat the area with Radiotherapy again,lets hope you can go on one of the new trials coming out.

    Hope you are enjoying your new computer,and enjoying your days .Eve



    Dear Bridget

    My dear cyber friend, I could have wept when I read your post which I have just caught up with. I have been thinking about you and thinking I might post to see how you are. Now I know – what a downer. I shall put you on our daily prayer list so I send you positive thoughts each day! We all love your positive attitude on here. You are a great encourager for so many of us. We are now here for you.

    If they can operate it is miraculous what they can do, as you know. I had already lost my mobility when they took out my plasmacytoma and racked me. They gave me all the standard warnings, about being near the spinal cord, but it was amazing. Although I am still walking with crutches, at least I kept my independance.

    So glad you've got a new car and getting a new computer. Mind you.hope you don't find Windows 7 as frustrating as I do!

    I have been enjoying some retail therepy! We just had to have a new car – engine died on our six year A Class after only 42,000 miles. I decided not to get it on mobility so my husband can have the security of one oif our own. I have also ordered a new suite today. Both of us were finding our old one uncomfortable. You can imagine my savings have taken a real dive, but I think "I can't take it with me!" All I want now is an electric scooter! Trouble is it is difficult to know which one to buy as it must be very portable.

    Dear Bridget, we will all be rooting for you. I'm certain something will turn up trumps for you.

    Hope you are having a good day with your grandchildren.

    Much love.

    Mavis xxxxxxxx



    Hello Bridget
    Just thought I'd look in on the forum and the first one I saw was your post so sorry to hear your news and I do hope whatever of the options they try is successful! You always send positive and kind words and you are a smashing lady, keep thinking positive and me and kev send you cyberhugs .

    Love liz & kev xx

    P.S. New laptop, new car! WOW!

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